April 17, 2011
Passion: April 13, 2011
Intense emotion; anger; rage; ardent love; enthusiasm; the object of admiration.
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14.
At one time we too were foolish, disobedient and deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. Titus 3:3
Our family, children and grandchildren, for the most part, are sports enthusiasts. They not only play sports but follow their favorite professional teams and players. Some get really involved at times and show “passion” for a certain player or team. Passion for our family in sports means at times great enthusiasm and even intense emotion.
In today’s society the word “passion” usually refers to sensuality or sexuality. In Titus 3:3 (above) Paul tells us that passion for the sinful pleasures of this world enslave us. When we live for sensual gratification we become slaves to our sinful desires. Because of God’s love and mercy He sent Jesus to free us from our slavery to sin. The meaning of passion is really an intense desire toward something or someone and can be applied to many areas of life. One place that the word “passion” needs to appear is in the believer’s life. We as believers should passionately seek to know the Lord Jesus Christ who saved us from our sins.
Even though our family has at times a passion for a sport or a team it never overshadows our passion for our faith and our belief in Jesus. We are thrilled that all of our children and grandchildren have their priorities right and always put their faith in Jesus first.
When we claim to know someone, we often just mean that we have accumulated facts about the person or simply are aware of his or her existence. Unfortunately, too many Christians know Jesus in this superficial way. He is the world’s Savior, the virgin-born Son of God who accepted death in our place and then rose again to sit at the Father’s right hand according to the scriptures. Those are the facts but just knowing these facts does not give a person the right to call themselves a Christian.
A believer in Jesus must not only know and accept these facts but must with a passion accept Jesus into their heart to begin a daily relationship. One must become intimate with Jesus and this can only become a reality by daily opening the Word and making Jesus a reality in your life through the scriptures and then communicating to Him in prayer.
Studying God’s Word is the essential first step to develop a passion for Christ. As we read the Bible we grow in understanding His ways and promises and see His great love for us. Our intimacy with Christ requires that we give Him our time to read His Word, talk to Him through prayer and listen for Him to speak.
Developing a passion for Jesus is not a one day affair but a lifetime pursuit. This true passion will only become a reality in one’s life when he or she will commit to lay aside everything that competes with one’s devotion to their Lord and Savior. Fueling a passion for Christ brings the believer rewards as nothing else can.
When you think of family life today, we all must first develop this passion for our Lord and when this happens we will have a deep passion for our spouse, children, parents and family. This is what our heavenly Father wants from us today. How do you respond?
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 4:2.
Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
Help me to develop a real Christ centered passion in my heart today for You. May my family join me in developing this passion so that as a family we can together make an impact on the world around us for Your sake.
Intense emotion; anger; rage; ardent love; enthusiasm; the object of admiration.
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14.
At one time we too were foolish, disobedient and deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. Titus 3:3
Our family, children and grandchildren, for the most part, are sports enthusiasts. They not only play sports but follow their favorite professional teams and players. Some get really involved at times and show “passion” for a certain player or team. Passion for our family in sports means at times great enthusiasm and even intense emotion.
In today’s society the word “passion” usually refers to sensuality or sexuality. In Titus 3:3 (above) Paul tells us that passion for the sinful pleasures of this world enslave us. When we live for sensual gratification we become slaves to our sinful desires. Because of God’s love and mercy He sent Jesus to free us from our slavery to sin. The meaning of passion is really an intense desire toward something or someone and can be applied to many areas of life. One place that the word “passion” needs to appear is in the believer’s life. We as believers should passionately seek to know the Lord Jesus Christ who saved us from our sins.
Even though our family has at times a passion for a sport or a team it never overshadows our passion for our faith and our belief in Jesus. We are thrilled that all of our children and grandchildren have their priorities right and always put their faith in Jesus first.
When we claim to know someone, we often just mean that we have accumulated facts about the person or simply are aware of his or her existence. Unfortunately, too many Christians know Jesus in this superficial way. He is the world’s Savior, the virgin-born Son of God who accepted death in our place and then rose again to sit at the Father’s right hand according to the scriptures. Those are the facts but just knowing these facts does not give a person the right to call themselves a Christian.
A believer in Jesus must not only know and accept these facts but must with a passion accept Jesus into their heart to begin a daily relationship. One must become intimate with Jesus and this can only become a reality by daily opening the Word and making Jesus a reality in your life through the scriptures and then communicating to Him in prayer.
Studying God’s Word is the essential first step to develop a passion for Christ. As we read the Bible we grow in understanding His ways and promises and see His great love for us. Our intimacy with Christ requires that we give Him our time to read His Word, talk to Him through prayer and listen for Him to speak.
Developing a passion for Jesus is not a one day affair but a lifetime pursuit. This true passion will only become a reality in one’s life when he or she will commit to lay aside everything that competes with one’s devotion to their Lord and Savior. Fueling a passion for Christ brings the believer rewards as nothing else can.
When you think of family life today, we all must first develop this passion for our Lord and when this happens we will have a deep passion for our spouse, children, parents and family. This is what our heavenly Father wants from us today. How do you respond?
Our memory verse for this week is found in II Timothy 4:2.
Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
Help me to develop a real Christ centered passion in my heart today for You. May my family join me in developing this passion so that as a family we can together make an impact on the world around us for Your sake.
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