January 2, 2011
Uniqueness: December 29, 2010
Existing as the only one or as the sole example; single, solitary in type and characteristics; having no like or equal; incomparable; not typical; unusual.
“The officers answered, ‘No man ever spoke like this man.’” John 7:46.
“And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.” Luke 2:47.
“And they were astonished at His teachings, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” Mark 1:22.
In life there are many unique people, places and things. All of us have seen people that are unique because they have some unique ability. There are places on this earth that are unique because of the topography, wildlife and climate. We all have seen unique things, but today we want to talk about the most unique person that ever lived.
Jesus came to this earth as a man that possessed moral integrity and divine righteousness that marked Him different from all men. He was unique and set apart from all others. Following are seven ways in which Jesus was unique and set Him apart and above all other possible messianic claimants.
Our friend, Dr. Porter Barrington has outlined some of the characteristics of Jesus that makes Him unique.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS PERSON. The verses in Hebrews 1:1-13 proclaim His uniqueness as the Son of God, the Christ and the God-Man. He spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets (verse 1). He was appointed heir of all things (verse 2). Through Him God made the worlds (verse 2). He is the out-flowing of the glory of God and expresses the perfect character of God (verse 3). He cleansed us from our sins (verse 3). He sat down at the right side of God (verse 3).
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS BIRTH. This uniqueness is outlined in Luke 1:26-35. He was born of a virgin. He was the incarnate God (born in flesh). He was born in the city of Bethlehem as prophesied. His birth was announced by Angels. He was born a man, poor, in a stable, cared for in a feeding trough but worshipped by Kings. His birth was signaled by a star. Hosts of angels gave forth praises at His birth.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS MINISTRY. In Mark 1:21-28 and the other gospels, we are told that He preached with absolute authority. He was the greatest teacher that ever lived. He performed the mightiest of miracles. He was the greatest healer. He was absolutely Holy and sinless in His person, actions and standards. He was a friend of sinners always offering them salvation. His ministry fulfilled the Old Testament messianic prophecies.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS DEATH. In John 19:16-30 we are told that, as Messiah, He died for people’s sins. He prophesied that He would be put to death. He died as the Passover Lamb as prophesied. He died voluntarily doing His Father’s will. As He endured the agony on the cross He asked for forgiveness for His enemies.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS RESSURECTION. In John 20: 1-31 we read that He rose according to the Old Testament prophecies. He prophesied His own resurrection. He rose from the dead from a sealed and guarded tomb. He appeared alive first to a woman and then over and over again to His disciples for 40 days.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS ASCENSION. In Acts 1:1-9 we are told how He was taken into heaven just as Enoch and Elijah were. He went to be with the Father. Jesus made a promise at His ascension that the disciples would receive power to witness for Him after the Holy Spirit came. Jesus made a command at His ascension to go into all the world and be witnesses of Him. He went to heaven to take the right seat next to God and to make continual intercession for the believers to God.
HE WILL BE UNIQUE IN HIS SECOND COMING. In Matthew 16:27 we are told that Jesus will return to this earth in power and majesty. He will raise the dead in Christ. He will come as a thief in the night. He will begin the promised millennium Kingdom on this earth and will rescue the tribulation saints
YES --- Jesus is the most UNIQUE person we have ever met. Have you met Him?
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 18:16.
Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I give praise to You for Your uniqueness that sets You apart above all others who would claim to be God’s promised Messiah. Help me to be a testimony of Your uniqueness through my words and my actions so Christ will be seen in my life by my family and friends.
Existing as the only one or as the sole example; single, solitary in type and characteristics; having no like or equal; incomparable; not typical; unusual.
“The officers answered, ‘No man ever spoke like this man.’” John 7:46.
“And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.” Luke 2:47.
“And they were astonished at His teachings, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” Mark 1:22.
In life there are many unique people, places and things. All of us have seen people that are unique because they have some unique ability. There are places on this earth that are unique because of the topography, wildlife and climate. We all have seen unique things, but today we want to talk about the most unique person that ever lived.
Jesus came to this earth as a man that possessed moral integrity and divine righteousness that marked Him different from all men. He was unique and set apart from all others. Following are seven ways in which Jesus was unique and set Him apart and above all other possible messianic claimants.
Our friend, Dr. Porter Barrington has outlined some of the characteristics of Jesus that makes Him unique.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS PERSON. The verses in Hebrews 1:1-13 proclaim His uniqueness as the Son of God, the Christ and the God-Man. He spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets (verse 1). He was appointed heir of all things (verse 2). Through Him God made the worlds (verse 2). He is the out-flowing of the glory of God and expresses the perfect character of God (verse 3). He cleansed us from our sins (verse 3). He sat down at the right side of God (verse 3).
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS BIRTH. This uniqueness is outlined in Luke 1:26-35. He was born of a virgin. He was the incarnate God (born in flesh). He was born in the city of Bethlehem as prophesied. His birth was announced by Angels. He was born a man, poor, in a stable, cared for in a feeding trough but worshipped by Kings. His birth was signaled by a star. Hosts of angels gave forth praises at His birth.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS MINISTRY. In Mark 1:21-28 and the other gospels, we are told that He preached with absolute authority. He was the greatest teacher that ever lived. He performed the mightiest of miracles. He was the greatest healer. He was absolutely Holy and sinless in His person, actions and standards. He was a friend of sinners always offering them salvation. His ministry fulfilled the Old Testament messianic prophecies.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS DEATH. In John 19:16-30 we are told that, as Messiah, He died for people’s sins. He prophesied that He would be put to death. He died as the Passover Lamb as prophesied. He died voluntarily doing His Father’s will. As He endured the agony on the cross He asked for forgiveness for His enemies.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS RESSURECTION. In John 20: 1-31 we read that He rose according to the Old Testament prophecies. He prophesied His own resurrection. He rose from the dead from a sealed and guarded tomb. He appeared alive first to a woman and then over and over again to His disciples for 40 days.
HE WAS UNIQUE IN HIS ASCENSION. In Acts 1:1-9 we are told how He was taken into heaven just as Enoch and Elijah were. He went to be with the Father. Jesus made a promise at His ascension that the disciples would receive power to witness for Him after the Holy Spirit came. Jesus made a command at His ascension to go into all the world and be witnesses of Him. He went to heaven to take the right seat next to God and to make continual intercession for the believers to God.
HE WILL BE UNIQUE IN HIS SECOND COMING. In Matthew 16:27 we are told that Jesus will return to this earth in power and majesty. He will raise the dead in Christ. He will come as a thief in the night. He will begin the promised millennium Kingdom on this earth and will rescue the tribulation saints
YES --- Jesus is the most UNIQUE person we have ever met. Have you met Him?
Our memory verse for this week is found in Luke 18:16.
Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I give praise to You for Your uniqueness that sets You apart above all others who would claim to be God’s promised Messiah. Help me to be a testimony of Your uniqueness through my words and my actions so Christ will be seen in my life by my family and friends.
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