October 3, 2010

Depression: October 1, 2010

Today's Word for Friday October 1, 2010



The state of being depressed; sadness; gloom; dejection; withdrawal; a low state.


"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad." Proverbs 12:25

"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my heart." Psalm 94:19


So many people seemingly are depressed day after day. Depression becomes part of a persons life by his or hers reaction to the "THINGS" of life that bring on a feeling of failure. It begins with anxiety and worry over such "things" as a job situation, a family concern, health issues, a financial need, a church conflict, a spousal argument or a conflict with a child. Worry and anxiety are major problems in the life of many people today. In fact it is known that close to 70% of all the visits to the doctor's office for illness is nothing more than worry or anxiety over one or more issues. This in turn brings on depression for most people and then one feels unwanted and lonely.

Depression is a serious problem for many people but there is a remedy. Depressed people tend to isolate themselves and think no one understands what they are going through. In most cases, no one is given a chance to understand and instead they seem to prefer to stay at home and have a "pity party." Depression is the devil's tool. It does not come from the Lord.

We have really not felt depressed very much in our lifetime. Yes, we felt sadness and sorrow at the deaths of both of our parents. Sorrow and depression are not the same; although many let their grief over the loss of a loved one put them into depression. Knowing that our parents were going to heaven made it more like sorrow than a depression. We believe that one of the major reasons we have not been depressed is because of our daily walk with God and that we keep very busy. We do not have time to get depressed.

A depressed person needs to understand that there is someone who cares. The scripture gives us that solution where it reads, "Cast all our care upon Him, for He cares for you." [I Peter 5:7]. When we are depressed, God expects us to pass those issues of worry and anxiety on to Him and let Him take care of them. But most people do not do this and evidently prefer to carry them alone. God accepts us as we are but loves us so much as to not to leave us that way. To solve your moments of depression, begin each day by taking time to ask God to take from you the concerns that bother you and ask Him to care for you, because He does care for you and he can take care of those things that cause you concern.

When we are depressed we need to talk about what is depressing us. It is true that most people do not want to listen to someone's problems, but God does. You can walk away from God but He will never walk away from you.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 3:14

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


Help my family today, beginning with me, to submit to You and to cast all of our cares and concerns upon You. Help us to resist the devil as he walks around us today, as the scripture says, as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Give me a spirit of hope and not hopelessness, a spirit of humility and not of pride. Thank You for the blessings You bestow upon our lives, far beyond our hopes and desires.

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