September 19, 2010

Hungry: September 13, 2010

Today's Word for Monday September 13, 2010



A compelling need or desire for food; the painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need of food.


"He (God) upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry?" Psalm 146:7

"I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink." Matthew 25:35

"And He fills the hungry soul with goodness." Psalm 107:9

"A righteous man gives his food to the hungry and provides clothing for the naked." Ezekiel 18:7


Since 1961 we have been involved with ministries that have dealt with physical hunger. And since we were in college we have been involved with ministries that were concerned about spiritual hunger. How do you react when you see or talk to a hungry person who is hungry both spiritually and physically?

Have you talked to a spiritually hungry person who was searching for peace and a relationship with God? Let me assure you that that is one of the great thrills of life, especially if God blesses you and you lead that person to a personal relationship with Jesus. Then the spiritual hunger for this person is satisfied for a life time as he has Christ in his heart.

Dealing with physical hunger is an entirely different situation. Some one once said that you can feed a person a meal and in a few days he will be hungry again. But you can teach that person to fish and he can provide himself food for a lifetime.

But the real truth is that in most areas of our world where hunger is a problem it can not be solved by giving fishing lessons. But as Christians we have some lessons to learn about hunger. In the scriptures there are many references to hunger -- both spiritual hunger and physical hunger.

When we talk about spiritual hunger God expects us as Christians to be ready in season and out of season to "preach the gospel." [II Timothy 4:2] God wants us to walk the walk and talk the talk every moment of every day being an example to all that see us. He also expects us to show others that we love and serve the Lord. By doing this, when one who is suffering from spiritual hunger needs help, he will come to you. And then you must be ready.

As for physical hunger, we have the responsibility to do all we can to meet the needs of those that are hungry. We are to give food to those who need food, give drink to those who are thirsty, give clothes to those that need cover and to do all that we can to help people who are physically hungry. But you may then ask -- where do I begin because the needs are so many. All God asks is that we do something. We should do all that we are able to do to meet needs as they cross our paths.

We read in Matthew 15:32 that Jesus called His disciples to Him and said: "I have compassion for these people; because they have already been with me three days and have had nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, as they may collapse on the way." For three days Jesus had been teaching and healing a multitude of spiritually hungry people, but Jesus not only saw their spiritual hunger, He saw their physical hunger.

The disciples could only come up with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish; Jesus performed a miracle and multiplied the loaves and fish so that 4000 people could eat. And after they had all eaten all they could, there were seven baskets left over. When we allow Jesus to feed us He feeds us until we are filled.

Jesus cares not only about our spiritual hunger but also our physical hunger. Jesus expects us to care for others the same way.


Our memory verse for this week is found in John 3:7.

"Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'"


Thank You first of all dear Lord for all that You have blessed me with this day. Give me a sensitive heart today for those that are hungry both spiritually and physically. Help me to be in the right place at the right time and then help me to respond in a way to honor Your name.

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