August 22, 2010

Favoritism: August 16, 2010

Today's Word for Monday August 16, 2010



The act of forgiving or showing forgiveness; offering the chance to recover from mistakes; willingness to forgive.


"Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than all his sons, because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors. His brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers; and so they hated him and could not speak to him on friendly terms." Genesis 37:3-4


Favoritism in a family is bound to bring discard and division. When a parent favors one child over another the less favored child is going to resent it.

Jacob's favoritism for Joseph caused the older brothers to become extremely jealous of Joseph. As we read in Genesis, in the verses above, the brother's jealousy turned to hate and eventually they grew to hate Joseph so much that they could not even talk to him in a kind way.

Jacob himself, had to deal with favoritism as a young person. His father, Isaac, favored Esau, Jacob's twin brother and the jealousy between the two brothers brought about a complete separation in the family. Jacob had to flee far from his mother and father as Esau wanted to kill him. It would seem that Jacob should have learned from experience.

Instead, Jacob chose not only to love Joseph more than his brothers but to openly show it by bestowing special favors on him. He made a beautiful robe for Joseph which had special significance. It demonstrated that Jacob intended that Joseph would be the future head of the family and therefore receive the larger inheritance. Usually, the oldest son received this honor.

The outcome for Jacob and Joseph was tragic. The older brothers took matters into their own hands and got Joseph out of their lives by selling Joseph into slavery. Once again Jacob's family was torn apart because of favoritism.

All of us who are parents have a responsibility to not show favoritism to one of our children over others. It often happens that one child may be more lovable then another but parents must hold their feelings of favoritism in check. Every child needs to be reassured that he or she is loved and valued for who he or she is on an equal basis.

Have you ever considered how fortunate we are that God does not show favoritism? He sent His son to die for all of us, no matter whom we are or how good or bad we are. He offers His gift of salvation to ALL who believe.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.


Help me to show each of my children that I love them and not to show favoritism to one over another. Thank You Lord Jesus, that You do not show favoritism. You freely offer Your gift of salvation to everyone that asks. Thank You that You loved me so much that You were willing to die to give me eternal life.

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