June 6, 2010

Weapon: June 1, 2010

Today's Word for Tuesday June 1, 2010


Any instrument used in fighting.


"But all the Israelites would go down to the Philistines to sharpen each mans plow-share, his mattock, his ax, and his sickle." I Samuel 13:20


The children of Israel were at war with the evil Philistines and they knew that all of their weapons needed to be used in their fight and they all needed to be sharpened. These were their farm tools because there were no swords or spears to be found in Israel. These rough farm tools needed to be sharpened so they could inflict deadly blows. They knew that killing would not be easy but it needed to be done effectively and Saul had only 600 soldiers left.

So as God lead them they went to the Philistine village and had their farm tools sharpened so that they were ready for battle. It never dawned on the Philistines that the Israelites would use their farm tools in battle. The lesson we should learn from this is that God can use whatever we have if we will follow His command. We will always then win our battles by following how God leads us. Even though the Children of Israel had their farm tools sharpened for battle, they never had to use them because God won the battle for them. But they were prepared.

Today we as believers are in a war against evil just like Saul was. Our weapons are different but they need to be sharpened. Just as in the days of Saul, every weapon that we have available to us must be used. Preaching, teaching, praying and giving all must be readied for action. Each moment of time, each amount of ability, education, or opportunity, whether it be favorable or unfavorable must be used. This is because our enemies (evil) are many and our forces are few.

As believers we must sharpen our weapons and be prepared for battle. We need quickness of perception. This means that we need to be alert to see and recognize evil when it approaches us. We need strength, an unwavering faith, tact, energy and a prepared heart to respond to evil. All of the talents that God has given us must be employed daily in our Christian walk as weapons to fight against the evil we face.

For the children of Israel it was war to protect what God had given them. For us today it is war to protect our faith in Jesus Christ. God has promised to be with us just as He promised the children of Israel. He kept His word with them and He will do the same for us.

One of our longtime friends owns and operates a company that manufactures parts for weapons. Often he has told us how important it is that every part that they manufacture is accurate and sharpened with perfection. Our friend also told us that if just one item was not done exactly according to the specs given, the contract would be cancelled. Perfection in the making of today's weapons is expected and God expects us to sharpen our weapons to perfection so we are ready for the battle against evil. This is what God wants for us. We need to sharpen daily all the weapons that God has given us. We may not have swords or spears just like the children of Israel but we can take our "FARM TOOLS" that God has given us and sharpen them to be used for His glory.

The best weapon we have to challenge the evils of this world is the Bible. Hebrews 4:12 describes God's Word as the sword; "For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword, and it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

As parents we thought it of utmost importance to arm our children with God's Word. Part of our family devotional time each evening was spent in memorizing scripture verses. When having to defend our faith nothing squelches the fire of an argument like God's Word. No one can successfully argue against God's Word because the Word is like a sword, it pierces to the heart and soul of the unbeliever.

The Bible verses that we recall the quickest are the ones we learned as children. Children learn quickly so begin to arm them early with the sword of God's Word. You will never regret it.


Our memory verse for this week is found in James 4:17.

Therefore to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.


Thank You for the talents that You have given me. Help me to understand that these talents need to be continually sharpened so they can be used as weapons by You to fight the evil that I make contact with daily. Help my family to sharpen their weapons so together we stand armed and ready to represent You with honor and with praise.

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