January 31, 2010

Rebillion: January 28, 2010




A spirit of resistance to authority; an armed revolt.


“An evil man seeks only rebellion.” Proverbs 17:11.

These people have stubborn and rebellious hearts. Jeremiah 5:23.

For I know how rebellious and stiff necked you are. If you have been rebellious against the Lord while I am alive and with you, how much more will you rebel when I die? Deuteronomy 31:27-29.


We are rebellious by nature all the way back to Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve’s downfall was rebellion against God.

Every parent knows about the terrible “two’s.” Two year olds do not like the word “NO.” Just tell a two year old that he cannot do something or that he cannot have something and he will rebel --- guaranteed. None of us like to be told that we cannot have or cannot do something. We are all rebels by nature just like Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve found out quite quickly how God regards rebellion against Him. Today, we all must deal with God’s penalty for Adam and Eve’s rebellion.

The toughest job of Moses’ job in leading the children of Israel was dealing with their rebellion against God. Moses knew the rebellious nature of the Israelites. Just before handing the leadership of the children of Israel over to Joshua he said he knew how stubborn and rebellious they were and he knew they would rebel even more when he was not with them.

In Deuteronomy chapter 32 we read the song of Moses which was his last message to the Israelites. He reminded them of God’s blessings to them and warned them against rebelling against God and then commanded them to love and honor God and obey His commandments.

Rebellion is caused by pride. We think we know better than God and everyone else. It is especially arrogant to think we know better than God. Adam and Eve found that out very quickly.

There was a ship that left the Boston harbor in November 1898 in a blinding storm and never returned. Despite of all the danger signals which were up at the time the ship left and the warning of the government agent at the signal office for it not to depart and to remain in port, it still left the harbor. The owners had commanded the captain not to leave the harbor but the captain rebelled. He had all the answers. He knew better than all the owners and professionals. His rebellion was caused by his pride. He knew that he could be successful and no one has seen him since.

And we all know the story found in Luke 15:11-31 about the prodigal son. He was rebellious and took his share of his inheritance and left home. After he lost everything he had he decided to start for home despite his rebellious nature. His father saw him coming and went out to meet him and gave him all he needed and more including a great welcome home feast.

This is what God wants to do for us if we have been rebellious in our words or deeds. He is waiting with open arms to accept us back and all we have to do is come to Him.

Many parents today are concerned because of the rebellion they are witnessing in their children. If this is a problem that you are facing you need to show them at all times that you love them, but that you will not tolerate their rebellion and then give them a fair and just punishment.

Be consistent in keeping the boundaries and standards you have set for them. No matter how rebellious they are, always keep loving them but be firm. The children of Israel were rebellious against God but He never stopped loving them. But He did punish them and they had to suffer the consequences of their sins and rebellion against God.


Our memory verse for this week is found in Romans 6:23.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Help me this day to keep my heart tender and open to Your leading so my heart will never harden and put me in to a life of sin. Make my family aware that rebellion is sin. Forgive me of my rebellion and let my life be an example to my family of being obedient to God.

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