December 13, 2009

Diety Part Four: December 10, 2009



During the month of December the words and subjects we share with you in these devotionals will prepare us for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. Today we will discuss His power to protect life.

Defined by Webster:
A God; Divine nature.


“So when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. But He said to them, ‘It is I; do not be afraid.’” John 6:19-20.


After Jesus performed the miracle of “the feeding of the 5000,” He went by Himself to a mountain knowing that they were coming to take Him by force to be King. In the evening His disciples went down to the sea, got in their boat and went toward Capernaum. The sea became dangerous because of the wind and they were terrified. Then they saw Jesus WALKING ON THE WATER but did not know it was Him. He told them “not to be afraid”. Jesus had come to protect them in the midst of the storm and the scripture says that they willingly let Him into the boat and immediately they were at their planned destination.

In spite of all the time the disciples had spent with Jesus and all the miracles they had seen Him do, they did not seem to recognize His Deity and His divine power. Their faith in Jesus was weak and limited or they would have called to Him in the storm. Jesus knew that the disciples lacked faith so He did what only God could do. He came to them walking on the water of a stormy sea, three and one-half miles from shore. Jesus did this to show the disciples and us that in the storms of life, He will be there to protect the lives of His own. In this miracle, He proved His Deity in His power over nature to protect life. He upholds all things by the Word of His power. He speaks and all creation bows to His will.

As believers we need to constantly put our trust in the Lord. He is with us in all situations and He is there to take us by the hand and lead us over the mountain or through the valley that we are facing. We are reminded of a conversation that we had with a major businessman who was going through a tough time in his business. When he saw our concern for him, he was quick to respond by reminding us that he firmly believed that God would be taking his business through every situation. He then made it clear as to why he was so confidant by saying that when he began this business he gave it to the Lord and asked for His blessing. He then went on by saying that every day he reminds the Lord that this business is His.

This man had learned what the disciples were in the process of learning. If we trust in the Lord to protect us, He will go through the storms of life with us and will give us peace in any storm. Over the years we saw God bless this man, his brothers and others in his business because they not only looked to Jesus in every storm but turned their business over to Him to bless, and He did.


“But as many as received Him, to them gave He the right to become children of God, to those who believe on His name.” John 1:12


Thank You for the way that You continue daily to protect my life and the lives of each member of my family. Help us to rely on You not only in the storms of life but in everything we do. Bless us in a special way this coming Christmas season.

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