November 8, 2009

Pride: November 3, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The state or quality of being proud; self respect; self esteem; a feeling of gratification; conceit; arrogance.


“For everything in the world --- the craving of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting (pride) of what he has and does --- come not from the Father but from the world.” I John 2:16

“Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18.

“A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.” Proverbs 29:23


Over the years we have seen many proud people take terrible falls. In the verse we have written above from I John, we are reminded by the Apostle that issues like lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride are not of God. The book of Proverbs has many references reminding us that God is absolute in condemning pride. Proverbs chapter 6 verses 16-19 list seven things that the Lord hates. Pride is the number one item on that list. Pride is the devils tool and is the underlying cause for many sins.

Nothing good comes from pride. Proverbs 11:2 teaches that “When pride comes, then comes disgrace but with humility comes wisdom.” Also in Proverbs we find the results of pride contrasted with the results of humility. Pride brings downfall, destruction and disgrace and leads to quarrels. Humility leads to wisdom, honor and a willingness to take advice.

The Apostle wrote these words from Ephesus after he had been released from prison on the isle of Patmos. He addressed these words in I John to those that were believers so that they could distinguish between truth and the errors that were creeping into the churches of the day.

Today we face the same concerns among those that know the Lord. Many churches are hampered by leadership that tries to govern or make decisions that honor God but their pride gets in the way. The same is true in family life. We have gone through several generations, especially here in North America and Europe, where we have lived in the best of times. This success and affluently has resulted in pride, consuming our society.

When we are successful it is human nature to want to take the credit and to become proud of what we have accomplished. We forget to remember to acknowledge that it is God who gives us strength and wisdom to do what we do. When we forget to give God the glory, pride takes over and we can no longer expect God to bless us.

When God allows us to get the best of “things” in life, so many times we walk around showing off our pride. In Proverbs 29 (above), we are reminded that the pride that we have in our successes will bring one low in God’s sight. In contrast the writer says that the humble in spirit will retain honor before God.

As Christians we need to live with a humble spirit no matter how great or how little our accomplishments may be. As parents we need to teach humility and warn our children about pride. And as children we need to listen, watch and learn and then pattern our lives after the ones that show humility in all they do.

One of the real blessings we had when we attended Wheaton College was watching the actions and attitude of the President of our college, Dr V. Raymond Edman. He was a humble man; second to no one else we have ever met. He showed his humility whether he was in the pulpit or with his everyday activities and conversations. Every student on campus was important to him and he was always available to all. Along with his humility came kindness, gentleness and patience. This is our prayer for you, that God will take away all your pride and give you a humble spirit that honors your Lord.


Teach me today to be humble in Your sight. Help me to stay away from pride in my walk and in my talk. May others see in me a spirit of humility and not a spirit of pride. May I always give You the honor and glory for my successes. Thank You for all the many wonderful blessings You have given to me and my family. May we use these blessings not to show our pride but to honor You.

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