September 6, 2009
Inerrancy Part Two: September 1, 2009
When we talk about inerrancy, we are referring to the Bible being free of error and each word being the inspired Word of God.
“By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.” Psalm 33:6
The credibility of our faith in God and Jesus relies on the inerrancy of the Bible. We are referring to the fact that the words in the Bible are inspired by God and totally free of mistakes (inerrancy), not wrong on any subject (infallible), and each word is from God Himself, given through specially chosen men of God (inspired).
The Bible itself declares itself to be the Word of God. This great declaration affirms that the Bible alone is the final authority for the faith and practices of Christians through out the centuries and today.
Throughout the years we have talked to many people who question the inerrancy of the Bible. Many ask such things as: “Why should we believe in something that has so many unrealistic statements and stories?” We will endeavor to provide answers to these questions for those that doubt and for those of us that want to strengthen our belief in the inspired Word of God.
For those that doubt that the Bible is the inspired Word of God then you must surmise that Jesus is a liar and not the Son of God. You cannot accept some of the Bible as truth and some of the Bible as fiction. As Joshua of old said: As for me and our house we will serve the Lord and we accept the Bible as the infallible, inerrant and inspired Word of God.
Let us continue by saying that “ALL SCRIPTURE” refers to the entire Bible. “By inspiration” the Greek translation is “THEOPNEUSTOS” meaning GOD BREATHED. Therefore God “breathed” the words through the mouth and pens of the prophets.
What does this mean to us? As Christians we are commanded to live by the words of God in the Bible --- God’s Word to us. In today’s society this becomes very difficult to do. For example let us look at two issues that affect us today in a major way:
• Children are to honor their father and mother (one of the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God). And parents are to respect their children. In America very few children respect their parents and with over 50% of marriages failing how do we expect children and their parents to live by this commandment?
• Another one of the Ten Commandments is to keep the Sabbath day holy. God would not have included this as one of the Ten Commandments if He did not expect us to honor it. When we were children both of our families practiced keeping the Sabbath holy. We were in church Sunday morning and evening. We were always involved in some sort of Bible study or youth program. Even though the Sunday paper arrived early Sunday morning it was never opened until Monday. There was no radio or TV on Sunday. And we never felt that we missed out on anything, in fact, Sundays were a day that we all looked forward to each week.
Today, many people go to church on Sunday but the majority of the day is spent watching football or golf on television, playing electronic games, going to picnics, a movie or a party. Some even go back to work. We have no longer considered it important to keep the Sabbath holy. Sunday is just another day of the week. God intended the Sabbath to be a day of spiritual and physical rejuvenation.
As Christians some of the other issues we face if we truly believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God are:
• Creation verses Evolution. The Bible is very clear on this subject and it is a major issue in our school systems today as it is among individuals.
• Abortion verses Pro Life. Many Christians struggle with this issue but the Bible is very clear that life begins with conception and this is of God.
• The miracles performed by Jesus while He was on this earth. Some say they were stories or illustrations but the Bible clearly states that they were miracles. Would you want to believe in a God who was not powerful enough to perform miracles?
• The Deity of Christ. God sent His Son, Jesus to this earth to pay the penalty for our sins. This had to be God or how can we believe the Bible at all. Sin is against God so only He can forgive sin.
• The actual events outlined in the Bible such as the flood with Noah, the parting of the Red sea for the Children of Israel and Jonah and the whale. Many have serious problems with issues such as these, but let us assure you, dear friends, that ALL THE BIBLE is the Word of God and is without error, infallible and inspired.
We will continue over the next few days to share what the Bible has to say about the important life issues we all face today.
Thank you dear Lord for giving me the Bible as a guide book for me to live by each day. Help me to read Your word daily and to practice by deed and action the issues of life that You clearly give in the Bible.
When we talk about inerrancy, we are referring to the Bible being free of error and each word being the inspired Word of God.
“By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.” Psalm 33:6
The credibility of our faith in God and Jesus relies on the inerrancy of the Bible. We are referring to the fact that the words in the Bible are inspired by God and totally free of mistakes (inerrancy), not wrong on any subject (infallible), and each word is from God Himself, given through specially chosen men of God (inspired).
The Bible itself declares itself to be the Word of God. This great declaration affirms that the Bible alone is the final authority for the faith and practices of Christians through out the centuries and today.
Throughout the years we have talked to many people who question the inerrancy of the Bible. Many ask such things as: “Why should we believe in something that has so many unrealistic statements and stories?” We will endeavor to provide answers to these questions for those that doubt and for those of us that want to strengthen our belief in the inspired Word of God.
For those that doubt that the Bible is the inspired Word of God then you must surmise that Jesus is a liar and not the Son of God. You cannot accept some of the Bible as truth and some of the Bible as fiction. As Joshua of old said: As for me and our house we will serve the Lord and we accept the Bible as the infallible, inerrant and inspired Word of God.
Let us continue by saying that “ALL SCRIPTURE” refers to the entire Bible. “By inspiration” the Greek translation is “THEOPNEUSTOS” meaning GOD BREATHED. Therefore God “breathed” the words through the mouth and pens of the prophets.
What does this mean to us? As Christians we are commanded to live by the words of God in the Bible --- God’s Word to us. In today’s society this becomes very difficult to do. For example let us look at two issues that affect us today in a major way:
• Children are to honor their father and mother (one of the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God). And parents are to respect their children. In America very few children respect their parents and with over 50% of marriages failing how do we expect children and their parents to live by this commandment?
• Another one of the Ten Commandments is to keep the Sabbath day holy. God would not have included this as one of the Ten Commandments if He did not expect us to honor it. When we were children both of our families practiced keeping the Sabbath holy. We were in church Sunday morning and evening. We were always involved in some sort of Bible study or youth program. Even though the Sunday paper arrived early Sunday morning it was never opened until Monday. There was no radio or TV on Sunday. And we never felt that we missed out on anything, in fact, Sundays were a day that we all looked forward to each week.
Today, many people go to church on Sunday but the majority of the day is spent watching football or golf on television, playing electronic games, going to picnics, a movie or a party. Some even go back to work. We have no longer considered it important to keep the Sabbath holy. Sunday is just another day of the week. God intended the Sabbath to be a day of spiritual and physical rejuvenation.
As Christians some of the other issues we face if we truly believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God are:
• Creation verses Evolution. The Bible is very clear on this subject and it is a major issue in our school systems today as it is among individuals.
• Abortion verses Pro Life. Many Christians struggle with this issue but the Bible is very clear that life begins with conception and this is of God.
• The miracles performed by Jesus while He was on this earth. Some say they were stories or illustrations but the Bible clearly states that they were miracles. Would you want to believe in a God who was not powerful enough to perform miracles?
• The Deity of Christ. God sent His Son, Jesus to this earth to pay the penalty for our sins. This had to be God or how can we believe the Bible at all. Sin is against God so only He can forgive sin.
• The actual events outlined in the Bible such as the flood with Noah, the parting of the Red sea for the Children of Israel and Jonah and the whale. Many have serious problems with issues such as these, but let us assure you, dear friends, that ALL THE BIBLE is the Word of God and is without error, infallible and inspired.
We will continue over the next few days to share what the Bible has to say about the important life issues we all face today.
Thank you dear Lord for giving me the Bible as a guide book for me to live by each day. Help me to read Your word daily and to practice by deed and action the issues of life that You clearly give in the Bible.
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