July 26, 2009

Acceptance: July 24, 2009



Defined by Webster:

Capable or worthy of being accepted; pleasing to the receiver; agreeable; welcome; barely adequate; capable of being endured.


“That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1.

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” I Timothy 2:1.


When Jesus was here on this earth the Jewish people hated the Samaritans and did not accept them. In John 4, Jesus met a Samaritan woman at the well and began to talk with her. When Jesus asked for a drink she was surprised and wanted to know why He was talking to her as no Jewish man would ever talk to a Samaritan woman. But Jesus continued to talk with her and she believed and accepted His gift of “living water.”

She went back to her village and led many Samaritans to become believers in Jesus. The good news that we can learn from this, is that Jesus came to this earth for all of us. And He accepts all who come to Him in faith believing for forgiveness of their sins.

In Romans 15:7 we are told to accept one another just as Christ accepted you in order to bring praise to God. As Christians we are to accept and encourage other Christians. Also we must be willing to accept others, who do not know the Lord that we meet even if we do not condone what they do, so we can introduce them to Christ.

Jesus knew that the Samaritan woman was an immoral woman. He did not shun her for her race, social position or her sins. He accepted her as someone who needed His saving grace.

People today are hungry for acceptance. Children in school do every thing they can, including lowering their standards, to be accepted by their peers. Adults are much the same. They want to be included in “THE GROUP” just as children do.

Paul tells us in Romans 14:1--- “Do not refuse to accept someone who is weak in faith. And do not argue with him about opinions.

We, as Christians, need to make people feel important and needed. This way they will feel accepted and will more than likely be open to hear about Jesus.

Back when we attended school at Wheaton College in Illinois, I (Ken) remember being in an ethics class where we had a discussion about a small group of students who were not living up to the standards set by the college and they were not being accepted by many of our peers. As a class we began praying for this group and about a week later one of the students in the class told us that she had approached one of the people in the group.

The one thing I remember her saying was that they did not feel accepted at the school so why should they change their life style? This small group had all come from home situations where living a much looser life was acceptable. We believe that because of our prayers and the fact everyone began to let them know they were being accepted, soon the group came around and everyone could see their lives being changed. Fellow students approached them with love and not with criticism with the result that soon they all felt accepted.

This is an example that should remind each of us to do all we can to make people we touch shoulders with feel accepted.


Help me to find people today who need to feel accepted. May these people see Christ through my words and my deeds. Help my children to stand up for what they believe and not to be swayed by the crowd. Help me to do what is good and acceptable in your sight so that I may know beyond any doubt the good and acceptable and perfect will of God for my life.

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