May 24, 2009
Service: May 19, 2009
Defined by Webster:
An act of helpful activity; the providing of a provider or accommodation; the serving of God by obedience.
“Make the most of every opportunity.” Colossians 4:5.
“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1.
“– doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.” Ephesians 6:7
God has given each of us natural abilities that He expects us to use for His Glory. He also has given believer’s spiritual gifts for the purpose of doing His work here on earth. God does not use the unwilling. He will not force us to serve Him but His desire is for us to be totally committed to do His will. He will equip us [Ephesians 4:11-13] and will empower and prepare us for service. Our part is to be faithful and available. God gives us opportunities everyday to serve. How easy it is to avoid serving the Lord using that wonderful excuse: “I am so busy.” Look for opportunities that come your way and then act on them.
Be faithful in your desire to serve God and leave the results to Him. The more we serve Christ, the less we will serve our selves. God uses ordinary people like us to do extra ordinary work. When you think of serving God, start with something you can do; but do not stop because you cannot do it --- God will then take over.
We are witnessing this truth with these FREE FAMILY DEVOTIONALS that we send out each week day by E mail. Just recently a new friend who found our devotionals while searching the Web, asked if he could link these devotionals to his ministry link? And now many hundreds and even thousands of new Christians who can read English are reading these devotionals in far away places where we can not go. We started with something we could do and then God took over and expanded what we are doing.
Give us a heart, dear Lord that will be committed to serve you every moment of this day. Help us to be willing to serve our God, our family, our neighbors and our friends. Draw us close today to people that need you and then may our words and actions glorify Your name.
Defined by Webster:
An act of helpful activity; the providing of a provider or accommodation; the serving of God by obedience.
“Make the most of every opportunity.” Colossians 4:5.
“I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1.
“– doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.” Ephesians 6:7
God has given each of us natural abilities that He expects us to use for His Glory. He also has given believer’s spiritual gifts for the purpose of doing His work here on earth. God does not use the unwilling. He will not force us to serve Him but His desire is for us to be totally committed to do His will. He will equip us [Ephesians 4:11-13] and will empower and prepare us for service. Our part is to be faithful and available. God gives us opportunities everyday to serve. How easy it is to avoid serving the Lord using that wonderful excuse: “I am so busy.” Look for opportunities that come your way and then act on them.
Be faithful in your desire to serve God and leave the results to Him. The more we serve Christ, the less we will serve our selves. God uses ordinary people like us to do extra ordinary work. When you think of serving God, start with something you can do; but do not stop because you cannot do it --- God will then take over.
We are witnessing this truth with these FREE FAMILY DEVOTIONALS that we send out each week day by E mail. Just recently a new friend who found our devotionals while searching the Web, asked if he could link these devotionals to his ministry link? And now many hundreds and even thousands of new Christians who can read English are reading these devotionals in far away places where we can not go. We started with something we could do and then God took over and expanded what we are doing.
Give us a heart, dear Lord that will be committed to serve you every moment of this day. Help us to be willing to serve our God, our family, our neighbors and our friends. Draw us close today to people that need you and then may our words and actions glorify Your name.
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