January 3, 2010

Resolutions Part One: December 28, 2009


Defined by Webster:
A formal expression of opinion or intention; the act of resolving or determining upon a course of action.


“Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your father served on the other side of the river in Egypt. Serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14


In just four days a new year will begin. For many Americans, when they begin a new year they make what some call NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. These are mostly what we refer to as changing “THINGS” in our lives that we do not like or have not accomplished in the past. Examples may include: quitting smoking, quitting drinking, losing weight, helping others, saving money, being a better person etc.

Each day this week we want to encourage you to consider some NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS that will make a difference in your life and your family’s life. In the scripture verse above Joshua gave his New Year resolution speech to the children of Israel. He said that they were first to serve the Lord, then put away the gods that they served before they crossed the Jordan River. This reference to “gods” meant things in there lives that took the place of their service to the Lord.

Down through the years, if you have been like us, we have made resolutions like losing weight, reaching out to new friends, expanding our time with family and so many other things. But unfortunately in 30 days or less they were forgotten.

Your first resolution for 2010 should be your relationship with God. When you establish and take care of your spiritual priorities, God will take care of your everyday needs. Maybe the following questions will help you find where you are today in your relationship with the Lord. Do you spend time daily alone praying and reading the Bible? This is the only way that God can communicate with you and you in turn can communicate with Him.

Do you have a set time everyday when you have time with your family where you can talk, listen, read the bible and pray together? Most families either ignore establishing this time together or feel it just cannot work out. PLEASE --- NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY THEN TO ESTABLISH THIS TIME DAILY IN 2010.

Are you serving the Lord in sincerity and in truth as Joshua asked the Children of Israel?

In order to get your spiritual priorities in order you need to make three RESOLUTIONS for 2010:

• Resolve to spend a predetermined regular time alone with God.
• Determine to spend quality time each day alone with your family.
• Determine to serve God and put Him first in your life.

Tomorrow we will share some more thoughts on NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS.


“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
John 8:32


Help me this week to set resolutions in my life for 2010 that will have a positive effect on my life, my family’s life and all those that we touch in 2010.

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