December 27, 2009

Messengers Part Five: December 25, 2009



Defined by Webster:
One who bears a message.



“And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered everyone to his own city.

Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife who was with child.

So it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the Inn.

Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shown around them, and they were greatly afraid.

Then the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find the Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God and saying: ‘GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOODWILL TOWARD MEN.’” Luke 2:1-14


Today you should take the time to read the entire Christmas story as recorded in Luke chapter two (above).

Remember the birth of Jesus brings deliverance, dispels darkness and determines your destiny. The baby that Mary delivered came to deliver us from our sins.

CELEBRATE not as the world celebrates. Read God’s Word, pray and rejoice in what God did. AND HAVE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS DAY AS YOU CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF JESUS!


Make your prayer today come from your heart and as the angels did that first Christmas day, praising God and saying: GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOODWILL TOWARD ALL MEN!

Messengers Part Four: December 24, 2009



Defined by Webster:
One who bears a message.

It is Christmas Eve and tomorrow we will CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF JESUS. For several weeks now we have looked at words and subjects preparing us for this most important day in the life of the Christian. On this Christmas Eve we will look at the Inn and the Manger.


“And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2: 16-19.


Have you ever noticed that when a child passes a nativity scene they will almost all without exception either stop or want to stop and see the baby Jesus? We have often heard the question asked --- why is the baby in a manger? God chose to have the birth of Jesus in a manger and the uniqueness makes the birth of Jesus recognizable to all. How many people do you know or have you heard about that were born in a manger and slept in a bed of hay in a trough?

Jesus was born as a King but born as the lowest of the lowest in a manger whose first cries were heard by a peasant girl and a sleepy and tired carpenter. The manger smelled because the animals were all around them. His golden throne room had been abandoned in favor of a dirty animal pen. There was no bed in the inn so the baby had to be laid in a manger in a stable when He was born.

There were no kingly robes to place around Him. There were no drapes like those usually found in the palace of a King. No tapestries covered the windows to keep out the cold. The worshipping angels had been replaced with kind but very bewildered shepherds. The sounds in the court were of cows munching, hooves crunching, a mother humming and a baby nursing. This was a manger out in the back of the local inn and He was born there because there was no room for Him in the inn.

It could have happened anywhere because it was a birth of a King, but God chose a manger. Step inside and worship the babe in the manger with thanksgiving because He has come and He is Lord and Savior. Tomorrow is the birthday of the Christ child so let us CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOR, JESUS with great joy!!




As I prepare for the celebration of Your birth tomorrow give me a new desire to serve You. Make me a blessing to my family. Make me more aware of their needs and give me more of a servant’s attitude. Make Christmas day for my family a day of rejoicing, praise and thanksgiving for all You have done for us.

Messengers Part Three: December 23, 2009



Defined by Webster:
One who bears a message.

It will only be two days now before we CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF JESUS on Christmas morning. Today we will share with you several thoughts about the significance of the Star and the Angels.


“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’” Matthew 2:1-2.


Every Christmas we hang a lit star on the front of our house. It hangs brightly over the nativity scene sitting on the grass of our front yard. When we drive around our community we look for other houses with stars and the nativity scene and can find very few. We see Santa in his sleigh, ornaments hanging from the trees, lights all around the homes, animals all lit up on the lawn and lights outlining the walks from the street to the door. But to us the star and the manger scene are all about Christmas and we want the world to know that on Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Unfortunately, each year we see less and less Christmas decorations about Jesus and see more and more people celebrating Christmas as just another holiday where they can eat heavily, watch a football game and just lay around the house. People today here in America do not even wish others a “MERRY CHRISTMAS,” they just say “Happy Holidays.”

The STAR that was seen that first Christmas was very unique. God provided that star for the world to know that there was a special birth and the location was under the star in Bethlehem. Never again has that star appeared nor was there ever one just like it.

We are told by Matthew (above verse) that the wise men followed that star to worship the baby. We do not know much about the wise men who were also called Magi. The Bible only states that they came from the east and many think that it was Persia. They were scientists and men in high positions. They were wealthy and brought costly gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They came seeking out the “one who was born King of the Jews” to worship Him. They were overjoyed when they found Jesus and the scripture says that they “bowed down and worshipped Him” as King and gave Him gifts worthy of a King.

“WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM.” Perhaps you have seen this saying on bumper stickers or elsewhere. These wise men traveled many miles to seek Jesus but sadly today few people are willing to go even a few miles to the nearest church to worship Jesus. Do you still seek Him? Are you like the wise men that were filled with joy when they found Him.

The scriptures say that angels by the thousands followed the one angel that announced the birth to the shepherds: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying --- GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOODWILL TOWARD MEN.”

The angels left and the star soon disappeared and Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem. What a wonderful honor it would have been to be one of those shepherds who heard the angels and then went to the place where our Messiah was born, or one of the wise men who saw the star and came to worship the King. The CELEBRATION DAY IS COMING. GET PREPARED!




Thank You dear God that we worship a true and living God. Thank You for the excitement we are feeling about the CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTHDAY OF JESUS on this coming Christmas day. Prepare the hearts of my family for a special touch from You this Christmas. May the joy of Christmas fill my heart and the hearts of my family so that we will celebrate Christmas in a most meaningful way.

Messengers Part Two: December 22, 2009


Part two

Defined by Webster:
One who bears a message

This is day two of Christmas week. As we prepare for the CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS on Christmas day, we will look today at the role of the SHEPHERDS that first Christmas.


“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them and the glory of the Lord shown around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign unto you: You shall find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:8-12.


Have you ever wondered why God chose to announce first to the shepherds that Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem? The shepherds were the poorest of the poor. They were uneducated, low class, smelly because they lived night after night in the fields and they were social and religious outcasts. Their one job was to make sure all of their sheep were cared for and none were ever lost.

We believe that Jesus was announced to the poor first because God wanted everyone to know that Jesus came to this earth to die for everyone --- the rich and the poor. He was born as a King and worshipped as a King but there are no “class” divisions in the sight of God.

The angel clearly stated to them not to fear, because they were literally scared to death seeing the angel come to them down from above. The angel also clearly stated to the shepherds that Jesus was born for all people, not just for them. The angel also gave them a sign as to how to know the baby was Jesus by saying that they would find Him wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.

Take a minute now and think with us about some of the events of the miracle birth of Jesus. He was born of a virgin as prophesied by Isaiah some 700 years prior. He was born in the city of Bethlehem as was prophesied some 700 or more years prior by the prophet Micah. His birth was announced by angels. He was born poor, in a lowly manger and cared for in a feeding trough yet He was worshipped by Kings and wise men.

We have been to Bethlehem and have viewed the fields just outside of the city of Bethlehem. There are still shepherds there today. They still watch their flocks of sheep by night. When you stop to look at those shepherds and the fields where their flocks are roaming, you are struck by the reality that you are standing near the spot where the angel spoke to the shepherds.

As you prepare for your CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION this Christmas, do not forget the role of the shepherds even though they were the lowest of the low, God thought enough about them that He chose to announce the birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to them. Jesus later in His life was known as the Great Shepherd and today He is caring for you every day and night whether you are in the fields or in your home.




As I prepare for Christmas day help me to be reminded that You sent Your Son to be born in a manger for me and my family. Give me the strength and drive today to live my life in a way that will honor the significance of Christmas to all that I see and meet.

Messengers Part One: December 21, 2009



Defined by Webster:
One who bears a message.

This is CHRISTMAS week. For several weeks now we have looked at words and subjects to prepare us for the CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS on Christmas day. This week we look at the messengers that God used to bring His Son into this world. Today we look at Mary and Joseph.


Here are some excerpts from Luke 1: 26-35 that deal with the role of Mary and Joseph on the birth of Jesus: “Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel said to Mary, rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women. And behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son and shall call His name Jesus. The Holy Spirit shall come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow you; therefore also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.”


Jesus was unique in His birth. He was born of a virgin. The angel came to Mary at her home in Nazareth and announced to her that she was going to have a baby. She was a young girl, most likely a teenager. She was a good Jewish girl raised to have a strong faith in God. Mary was troubled and confused. She said to the angel: “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” Even though it is thought that she was engaged to marry Joseph she was very clear to the angel that no man had touched her so how could she have a baby? This is mind boggling even to us today because it is impossible.

The angel explained that Mary’s child would be conceived by the Holy Spirit, and that He would be the Son of God and therefore both God and man. The angel went on to say: “FOR WITH GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.” Then Mary responded by saying to the angel: “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel left. The virgin birth of Jesus is essential to the Christian faith and because Jesus was conceived from the Holy Spirit He was born without any trace of sin.

A few months prior the scripture tells us in Luke 2 that ‘a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. Everyone had to return to their own city (city of birth). Joseph went from Galilee into Judea with Mary, his betrothed wife who was with child, to Bethlehem because he was of the house and lineage of David.

It was prophesied in Micah 5:2 that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. It is interesting to note that God uses those who do not know Him to accomplish His purposes. God used Caesar Augustus to issue the decree that would bring Mary and Joseph to the right place at the right time.

It is from this location in Bethlehem that the excitement of that first Christmas took place. For years we have eagerly anticipated the excitement of Christmas in our lives. We have looked forward to the Christmas pageants in our church and always looked to other churches so we could enjoy theirs as well. We enjoy for at least a month before Christmas listening to Christmas music. In the car, at our house or wherever we are, Christmas music is always important to us.

We have told you before that it is a tradition in our family on Christmas Eve, now with our six children, their spouses and 20 grand children to have our own Christmas pageant. We have the costumes, the “fake” animals and the grand children play the roles. Each year the most wanted roles are Mary and Joseph. Christmas just would not be the same without this family pageant where we are all reminded from the scripture what happened that Christmas morning in the manger in Bethlehem.

The next two days we will share some thoughts on the shepherds and the star, two other messengers used by God to help us celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day.


This week let us all memorize together what the
angels said to the shepherds some 2000 years ago:



Thank you for the excitement in our hearts as we prepare for the celebration that we will have this Christmas. Help us to learn the significance of each person that served as one of Your messengers that first Christmas. Thank You for sending Your Son to be born and then to die paying the penalty for my sins.

December 20, 2009

Christian Part Five December 18, 2009


Part Five

For the past four days we have been looking at the word CHRISTIAN and we have seen the major differences as to how a Christian approaches Christmas versus a non believer. As we prepare in just a few days to CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF JESUS on Christmas day, we want to share a few thoughts on the Christian and eternity as it relates to Christmas.

Defined by Webster:
One who professes the religious principles of Jesus.


“For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.” Romans 6:23


The birth of Jesus was the beginning of God’s plan for our salvation. As the verse from Romans reads: “For the wages of sin is death.” God provided a way for each one of us to have the penalty for our sins paid for and it all began when God sent His Son to this earth to be born in a manger.

Today we want to share with you several thoughts that are relevant to Christmas and the birth of Jesus. The Christian has asked for forgiveness for his sins and asked Jesus to come into his or her heart. This then is a beginning of a relationship with Jesus. Jesus paid the penalty for ones sins by dying on the cross. Without the birth of Jesus this could not happen. Therefore Christmas and the birth of Jesus were in God’s plan for our salvation.

The celebration of Christmas and the birth of Jesus are exciting for us because, as the verse above ends: “but the gift of God is eternal life.” Jesus is in heaven today preparing a place for the believer to spend eternity with God. God offers us eternal life as a gift and gives us a choice to accept or reject this gift. For those that accept the gift our reward is spending an eternity with Jesus in heaven. God has promised to:

• Cast all of our sins into the depths of the sea.
• Remove our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west.
• Cast all our sins behind His back.
• Blot out our transgressions like a thick cloud.
• Remember our sins no more.

God will give those eternal life that recognize His deity, recognize His voice and take up their cross and follow Him.

We well remember how excited our children were each Christmas morning. They could hardly wait to receive their Christmas gifts that were under the tree. But when you look back even a few weeks after Christmas the gifts were worn or even broken. In contrast the gift of the birth of Jesus in a humble manger over 2000 years ago will endure forever. Christians have reason to be excited about Christmas because of this gift.

This Christmas take time to thank God for His promise to you of eternal life with Him. What an exciting day it will be when we all join together in heaven with the Lord.


“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.


As we approach this Christmas season, we are so excited to be looking forward to spending an eternity with You. Thank You Almighty God for sending Your Son to this earth to be born in a manger and then to die on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. Help my family today remember that Jesus is the reason for this season and help us to put Christ first in all of our words and deeds.

Christian Part Four: December 17, 2009


Part Four

Today we will look at how to live a successful life as a Christian. As we prepare for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day it is important that we offer our lives to Jesus in a way that honors and glorifies Him.

Defined by Webster:
One who professes the religious principles of Jesus


“Only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may prosper. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7; 9.


Success according to the Word of God is just the opposite of success according to the worldly standards that we live in. Most of the men and women of the Bible would be called failures today but they were considered successful according to God’s standards. Old Testament heroes and heroines had trials of mockings and scourgings including being put in chains and in prisons, but they were successful in God’s sight.

Others were stoned, tempted, slain with the sword, were destitute, afflicted and tormented, but in God’s sight they were successful. Some wandered in deserts, in mountains and hid in dens and caves of earth, but in God’s sight they were successful. The scripture says that these obtained a good testimony through their continual faith in their God and they were successful in His sight.

The world around us today measures success mostly in material things. But when you read the scriptures it is made very clear that God does not measure our success based on “THINGS.” Christmas is a wonderful time for each of us to reestablish in our minds what the real definition of success in our lives is. What is more important in your life? Is it discussing politics with a friend or leading that friend to a personal relationship with God? Is it lowering your standards to keep a friend or raising your standards to lead your family in these troubled days.

God looks at success from a far different perspective than the world does. At Christmas, we as Christians need to take time to reevaluate how we are living, what our priorities are and remember that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON and He must be the focal point of all we do and say.

In Joshua chapter one, God gave Joshua a fourfold conditional promise that we can claim if we are willing to meet God’s conditions and then we must leave the response to Him. He may choose to bless you with spiritual victories and success, but not prosper you with wealth. But the bottom line is that He has promised to make us successful in His sight if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

God promised Joshua prosperity, victory in battle, good success and a reward for obedience!

But God gave Joshua certain conditions. First he needed to cross over Jordan and claim the land by faith. Then he must know God’s Word. Thirdly he must meditate daily on God’s Word and fourthly learn to apply God’s Word to every moment of his day. God gives us the same conditions and as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day we need to stop and reevaluate whether we are meeting these conditions so that in God’s sight we can live a successful life.

God expects us to have a vision to honor and glorify His name. When we have that vision then that will be our Jordan to cross over. Then we must commit to knowing God’s Word, meditate daily in His Word and finally apply God’s word to every action, both in our words and deeds that we face daily. Then you will be successful in God’s sight.


“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23


Help me today to take a look at success in my life from Your perspective. Make me willing to meet the conditions You give me to live my life in a way that honors Your name.

Christian Part Three: December 16, 2009


Part Three

As we continue to prepare for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day we continue to look at the word Christian. Today we will look at the role of SERVICE in the life of a Christian.

Defined by Webster:
One who professes the religious principles of Jesus


“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:16-17.


A Christian commits to living a life of service. During the Christmas season there are many opportunities for service. In these two verses the apostle Paul gives us five guidelines that should admonish us and give us direction in living a Christian life of service.

First of all, if we are going to live a service life for our Lord we must “let the word of Christ dwell in us richly.” We must read God’s Word, we must study God’s Word and we must saturate our lives with God’s Word. It must dwell within us and be part of all that we do.

Secondly, these verses tell us that we are “In all wisdom, to teach and admonish one another.” When the Holy Spirit makes you rich and dwells within you, you must share what you have with others. The riches of His saving grace are to be shared with the lost. And when the Holy Spirit gives us a greater understanding of any part of God’s Word we must pass it on to others.

The third direction He gives us in these verses is WORSHIP. You are never qualified to serve unless you first worship your Lord. And we are to worship with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

And fourthly, Paul tells us that whatever we do, we do it in word first. This includes preaching a sermon, teaching a Sunday school class, visiting the sick, reading the scriptures to someone or even giving out a tract to share the plan of salvation to a non-believer. Then Paul says to do it in deed. This means that whatever your lot in life is that you do it unto the Lord. It may be to clean the house, wash the dishes or run a business.

And then Paul tells us that we are to give thanks to God the Father through Jesus Christ. We all have so much to be thankful for as we enter the Christmas season. Just think about all you have and then take the time to thank God for ALL of His blessings to you.

We were told the story just this morning that in a school in middle America several sixth grade students brought Christmas cards to some of their classmates. This is putting action to the word service. When the teacher saw the two children giving their friends the cards they were taken to the principal’s office because they broke the rules. Their parents were called to the school in order to have the children get back to their class room. These children were doing service to their friends and wishing them, through a simple card, to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Every year we put a small Nativity scene along with a big star in our front yard. We do this as a SERVICE to our Lord. The scripture says we are to act in word and deed, thus we do this just as the two sixth grade children had done with their Christmas cards. Last night we noticed a young mother pushing a stroller for two and holding the hand of a third child come to the front of our house. She stopped and pointed out to her three children the star, the manger, the baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph. This display points out to our neighborhood what we believe to be the reason for the season.

You may have the large responsibility of being the bread earner or the maintainer of your home but the scripture says that for you to be successful you must represent Jesus in all that you do. You as a Christian are God’s representative to the world. Again the apostle Paul tells us to “Do all in the name of the Lord.” When we do, God will bless our efforts and keep us from becoming frustrated and discouraged with our heavy responsibilities.

When we regard our work as an act of service to God it gives us a better attitude. Colossians 4:23-24 reads: “What ever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for man,” since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Jesus Christ whom you are serving.” Jesus said in Mark 9:41 that “For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, you will by no means lose your reward.

As we prepare for the Celebration of the birth of Jesus let us remember that He expects us to prepare by living a service life and a life of faith.


“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23


Thank You Father, in the name of Jesus, for all You have given me. Help me to learn, as the scripture admonishes me, to let thy word dwell in my heart. Help me to learn to worship you and then to do all that I do in word and in deed in the name of Jesus my Savior and Lord.

Christian Part Two: December 15, 2009



We are now half way through the month of December. During this month we have been looking at words and subjects in these daily devotionals that will prepare us for the soon coming CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS on Christmas day. This week we are discussing what we mean by being a Christian as it relates to the birth of Jesus. Today we will discuss the role of FAITH in our Christian life as it relates to Christmas and the birth of Jesus.

Defined by Webster:
One who professes the religious principles of Jesus.


“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober; be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him; be steadfast in your faith.” I Peter 5:5-9


The Christian life is a faith life. Faith is a gift of God and comes from hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17). Faith is more than just a belief. Faith is trust. You can believe an airplane can fly but that is not faith. Faith is what it takes to get on that plane.

Faith is what enables us to accept God’s free gift of salvation. We accept by faith the birth of Jesus on that first Christmas morning. We were not there so we did not see the manger, the shepherds, the angels or even Mary or Joseph. But by faith we accept the birth.

We are saved by faith.
We live by faith.
We walk by faith.
Faith builds us up.
Faith allows us to move mountains
Faith helps us to overcome the world.

There are two things that the Bible requires of the Christian’s faith. First, the Christian must believe that God is. None of the writers of the Bible argued for the existence of God; it was assumed. Not even Jesus who came to this earth from the Father, ever tried to prove that God exists. Psalm 14:1 says that only a fool would say that there is no God.

Also the Christian must believe that God is a “rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” The Christian believes that God does exist, that He came to this earth to pay the penalty for our sins, that He is now in heaven preparing a place for us for eternity and that God rewards our faith in Him in this life and in the life to come.

The message of Christmas is the basis of our faith. As believers that have a true relationship with Jesus we should be compelled to share the news with all within our sight that Jesus was born on Christmas morning.

The Christian should be looking forward with great excitement to the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Are you preparing?


“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23


Start today to prepare my heart for the celebration of Your birth this next Christmas day. Help our family to live our lives in a way that honors You in all that we say and do. Even though the world seems to be leaving Your name out of Christmas, may we do all that we can to let the world know about You and all that You have done for us.

Christian Part One: December 14, 2009



During the month of December we are writing these daily devotionals on subjects and words that will prepare us for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS,” on Christmas day. This week our word is CHRISTIAN. For the next five days we will discuss why Christmas has a total different meaning for the Christian than for the non-Christian.

Defined by Webster:
One who professes the religious principles of Jesus.


“And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” Acts 11:26

Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”
Acts 26:28.

“If anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed.” I Peter 4:16


The word “CHRISTIAN” is found only three times in the Bible. We have listed all three scripture references above under GODS WORD. The name “CHRISTIAN’ began to spread as the gospel was preached away from Antioch to the whole world.


A Christian is a believer in Christ and one who really believes that Jesus is who He says He is --- THE ONLY BEGOTTON SON OF GOD. A Christian must believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and that He rose again from the dead and is alive today in heaven preparing for all those who believe in Him a place to live for eternity.

We have often said in these devotionals that being a Christian is not living by a ritual or a series of “do’s and don’ts.” Being a Christian is when one believes and receives Jesus as their Savior and then begins a relationship with Jesus. A Christian has accepted God’s gift of salvation through Jesus. By accepting this gift God thus cancels ones wages for sin which is death.

We are warned by Jesus that not everyone who calls himself Christian is a true Christian. Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 that “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of God, but only he that does the will of My father in heaven.”

Many people go to church regularly and know all the right words to talk a good talk about God. But what Jesus is saying is that it is not about our talk but about our walk that sets us apart from those who just say they are Christians. This is what some may call a “fake Christian.”

It is easier to say the right things then it is to walk the right walk. Christians are to be “doers of the Word and not hearers only.” James 1:22.

Becoming a Christian is a miraculous transformation. We cannot do it for ourselves. The following references describe the miracle changes that occur when one is a true Christian believer.

A Christian has been born into the family of God by a spiritual birth. We were born once into this world as a baby. But God requires us to be born-again. John 3: 1-8.

A Christian is a new creation in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17

A Christian is made the righteousness of God in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21.

A Christian is declared just because of his or her faith in God. Romans 5:1

A Christian has accepted God’s gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ, and God has cancelled the penalty of his or her sin, which is death. Romans 6:23

A Christian is an adopted son of God, an ambassador for Christ and a stranger and a pilgrim on this earth, because heaven is his or her home.

Only those who have experienced the miracle of being a Christian can fully understand the miracle of Christmas. For the Christian, Christmas day is a day of great joy because it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, the one who was born and then died on the cross for our sins. Today He is in heaven preparing a place for us to spend eternity with Him. It all began in a manger that first Christmas morning. We urge you to remember that: JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.


“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23


Help me to understand the miracle that has taken place in my life that has brought me into a relationship with Jesus so that I fully understand what it means to be a Christian. Thank You that through my relationship with Jesus I have been made righteous and just in God’s sight and have become one of Your children. Help me to do the will of God so that I am doing more than just “talking the talk.” Help my walk to reflect that I am an ambassador for Christ.

December 13, 2009

Diety Part Five December 11, 2009



Today is our final devotional on the Deity of Jesus and we will share some thoughts on His power to recreate life. These devotional thoughts will prepare us for the ‘CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day

Defined by Webster:
A God; Divine nature.


“Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, LAZARUS, COME FORTH. The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.” John 11:43


The miracle as recorded in John 11:38-44 recounts for us the time Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, proving to us His Deity in His power to re-create life. The scripture tells us that Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus that “He whom You love is sick.” But Jesus did not go to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, until he had been dead and in the tomb for four days. But when He came, He came with all power and as our friend Dr. Porter Barrington has written, he gave:

A Divine Command --- “TAKE AWAY THE STONE.” He did not ask the stone to move, He did not ask the angels to come and move the stone but He asked the people to do it. The lesson for us here is that man is to do the possible and then believe that God will do the impossible.

A Divine Message --- “DID I NOT SAY TO YOU THAT IF YOU WOULD BELIEVE YOU WOULD SEE THE GLORY OF GOD?” We often say that “seeing is believing” but God says for us to believe and then see. If we want to see the impossible achieved we must first work and then believe. In this miracle, Jesus first said to take away the stone --- that is work and then He said to believe and see the glory of God --- that is faith.

A Divine Prayer --- In John 11:41-42 Jesus prays to the Father for the benefit of the people. “FATHER, I THANK YOU THAT YOU HAVE HEARD ME, AND I KNOW THAT YOU ALWAYS HEAR ME, BUT BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE STANDING BY, I SAID THIS, THAT THEY MAY BELIEVE THAT YOU SENT ME.” He could have raised Lazarus without the prayer but He wanted the people to believe that He was sent from God.

A Divine Call --- “HE CRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE, ‘LAZARUS, COME FORTH.’” Lazarus heard the call and came forth. Jesus used this as an illustration for us that when Jesus comes again, with a shout and the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, we will rise and meet Him in the air.

A Divine Deliverance --- Jesus said to the people gathered, “LOOSE HIM AND LET HIM GO.” His grave clothes identified him with death just as our mortal bodies identify us with sin and death. Jesus reminds us that we have, as believers, been loosened from the power and penalty of sin, but not from the presence of sin.

Jesus in His Deity has power over life and death. Not only did He restore Lazarus to life, He restored His own life after His death on the cross. It is only through Jesus that we are restored from death to life. In John 11:25, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

As we prepare for THE CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS on Christmas day, remember that some day soon we will meet Jesus in the air and we will be given our resurrected bodies.


“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12


Thank You for the assurance I have in my life of spending an eternity with You in heaven. As our family prepares for this upcoming Christmas season give us a new dedication to serve You without compromise.

Diety Part Four: December 10, 2009



During the month of December the words and subjects we share with you in these devotionals will prepare us for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. Today we will discuss His power to protect life.

Defined by Webster:
A God; Divine nature.


“So when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. But He said to them, ‘It is I; do not be afraid.’” John 6:19-20.


After Jesus performed the miracle of “the feeding of the 5000,” He went by Himself to a mountain knowing that they were coming to take Him by force to be King. In the evening His disciples went down to the sea, got in their boat and went toward Capernaum. The sea became dangerous because of the wind and they were terrified. Then they saw Jesus WALKING ON THE WATER but did not know it was Him. He told them “not to be afraid”. Jesus had come to protect them in the midst of the storm and the scripture says that they willingly let Him into the boat and immediately they were at their planned destination.

In spite of all the time the disciples had spent with Jesus and all the miracles they had seen Him do, they did not seem to recognize His Deity and His divine power. Their faith in Jesus was weak and limited or they would have called to Him in the storm. Jesus knew that the disciples lacked faith so He did what only God could do. He came to them walking on the water of a stormy sea, three and one-half miles from shore. Jesus did this to show the disciples and us that in the storms of life, He will be there to protect the lives of His own. In this miracle, He proved His Deity in His power over nature to protect life. He upholds all things by the Word of His power. He speaks and all creation bows to His will.

As believers we need to constantly put our trust in the Lord. He is with us in all situations and He is there to take us by the hand and lead us over the mountain or through the valley that we are facing. We are reminded of a conversation that we had with a major businessman who was going through a tough time in his business. When he saw our concern for him, he was quick to respond by reminding us that he firmly believed that God would be taking his business through every situation. He then made it clear as to why he was so confidant by saying that when he began this business he gave it to the Lord and asked for His blessing. He then went on by saying that every day he reminds the Lord that this business is His.

This man had learned what the disciples were in the process of learning. If we trust in the Lord to protect us, He will go through the storms of life with us and will give us peace in any storm. Over the years we saw God bless this man, his brothers and others in his business because they not only looked to Jesus in every storm but turned their business over to Him to bless, and He did.


“But as many as received Him, to them gave He the right to become children of God, to those who believe on His name.” John 1:12


Thank You for the way that You continue daily to protect my life and the lives of each member of my family. Help us to rely on You not only in the storms of life but in everything we do. Bless us in a special way this coming Christmas season.

Diety Part Three: December 9, 2009



During December, as you know, we are sharing with you our thoughts on words and subjects that will prepare us for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. Today we will look at Jesus’ “POWER TO SUPPLY THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE.”

Defined by Webster:
A God; Divine nature.


“And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted. So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, ‘Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.’” John 6:11-12.


The miracle that we call “the feeding of the five thousand” is the only miracle recorded in all four of the gospels. This miracle was unique in several ways. First it was very public. Jesus usually performed His miracles before just a few people. This time, the scriptures say that there were 5000 men plus women and children in the crowd.

Secondly this miracle was unusual because the people not only saw the miracle but participated in it. They watched Jesus give thanks to His father in heaven, and then saw the five small loaves and two fish multiply with enough to feed 5000 men, the women and the children. They all ate until they were fully satisfied and then saw the disciples collect twelve baskets of leftovers. Jesus not only provides for the necessities of life but provides in abundance.

Thirdly, Jesus did His miracle with what we would call insignificant materials. The fish were small and the bread was made of barley --- only the poor ate barley bread. There is a lesson in this for us. The little boy’s contribution of his small lunch seemed insignificant. But in the hands of Jesus it was more then enough to feed everyone. We often feel we have nothing to offer Jesus, but if we are willing to give whatever we do have, whether it is time, talent or treasure, God is able to use it and multiply it.

This also is the only recorded time in the scriptures that Jesus asked anyone’s advice. He asked Philip, “Where shall we buy bread that these may eat?” Jesus did not need the advice of Philip because He already knew what He was going to do. John tells us that He asked Philip this question in order to test his faith. Philip admitted he did not have a solution because he was convinced it was impossible to find food for that many people --- he failed the test because he lacked the faith in Jesus’ Deity and power to provide the necessities of life.

And finally it is noted that He involved all twelve of His disciples to distribute the food. He did this as a reminder to us that it is God’s plan to use His servants (US) to give His gospel to the world in need.


“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe on His name.” John 1:12.


I am so grateful for all the necessities of life You have provided for me and my family. Help our family to get a better understanding of Your Deity and Your power to provide. Give me a heart that is sensitive to the needs of others and may I always respond as You lead me and guide me.

Diety Part Two: December 8, 2009



During December Our Devotionals are being written on subjects and words that will prepare us for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. This week we are looking at the DEITY and POWER of JESUS. Today we will share with you some thoughts concerning JESUS POWER TO PROLONG LIFE.

Defined by Webster:
A God; Divine nature.


“Jesus said to him, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk.’ And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed and walked. And that day was the Sabbath.” John 5: 8-9.


God created the world and all that is in it, everything was perfect. After Adam and Eve sinned, disease and suffering came into the world. Then when Jesus was on this earth, most of the miracles that He performed demonstrated His power to bring renewal and to prolong life to a fallen creation. He made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk and healed those that were sick to show to mankind His Deity and His power to prolong life.

The second miracle that He performed was the healing of the son of a royal official. When Jesus performed a miracle of healing He saw more then just the need for physical healing but also the need for spiritual healing in a person’s life. He saw their need to be forgiven of their sins.

Ordinarily when Jesus did miracles of healing He was sought out and was asked to give healing. It was essential for the person asking to have faith in Jesus. But the healing of the lame man referred to in John 5 was unusual in both of these aspects. The man was unable to walk and he did not seek out Jesus and ask for healing. He did not even know who Jesus was, Jesus found him.

This lame man had sat by the pool called Bethesda in Jerusalem for 38 years hoping to be healed. It was believed that when the water of the pool stirred it had healing power for the first one to get into the pool.

When Jesus saw the man, He asked him, “Do you want to get well?” After telling Jesus that he was hoping to be healed by the water in the pool, Jesus immediately healed the man and he got up and walked. Although Jesus usually healed people because of their faith in Him, this illustration is given us to show that Jesus’ power to heal is not limited by a person’s lack of faith. Nothing can limit Jesus’ Divinity of restoration and prolonging of life.

The last thing that Jesus said to this man was, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you.” Jesus saw more then his physical need, He saw his spiritual need.

Jesus in His deity knows all about us. He sees each of us as either one of His fallen creations or one who has been restored by the power of His Deity to forgive us of our sins. Just as Jesus sought out the lame man and asked him if he wanted to be made well, He seeks us out and asks us if we want to be made well in our sin sick bodies by the power of His divine power to forgive.

Over the years we have known and seen so many people who have been healed, many of them children who were so sick and some not even expected to live. When we see this we have learned that there is power in prayer. God still today hears our prayers and will answer our specific prayers concerning the needs of others and He will do this in accordance with His will.


“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12


Thank You Lord for Your Divine power and Your ability to forgive our sins and to heal our bodies. Help me today to be more concerned about those who are sick, lonely and feeling hopeless. Help me to understand the power of prayer and give me a burning desire in my heart to pray for those that I know need a touch from You.

Diety Part One: December 7, 2009



During December our devotionals are being written on subjects and words that will prepare us for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. This week we will look at the DEITY AND POWER OF JESUS while He was on this earth.

Defined by Webster:
A God; Divine nature.


“Jesus said to them, ‘Fill the water pots with water.’ And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, ‘draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast.’” John 2:7-8


It is important that we understand what we are talking about when we refer to Christ’s Deity. As you see above, Webster defines it as divine nature. Understanding and acknowledging God’s divine nature is the essential foundation for our faith.

Paul gives us one of the best descriptions of Jesus divine nature in Colossians 1:15-16. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or rulers or authorities, all things were created by Him.” He is the exact image of God and not only equal with God, He is God and the creator of all things.

The gospel of John gives us numerous signs or miracles that prove the deity and power of Jesus while He was on this earth. Today we want to share with you some thoughts on Jesus’ power to CREATE!

Jesus chose a wedding in Cana of Galilee to present and to prove His Deity and Power to create when He created wine from water. Wine is made from grapes, not water. The grapes must be gathered from a vineyard and pressed to extract the juice and then placed into containers and allowed to age and ferment. This is very lengthy process.

At a marriage feast in Jesus time, it was the custom to serve the best wine at the beginning of the feast and then the poorest of the wine when all the guests were filled. When Jesus turned the water into wine at this marriage feast, the master of the house called the bridegroom and said: “You have kept the good wine until now.” Jesus not only created wine but the best and did not take the normal months and years to get the best.

This was Jesus’ first miracle and performed at the beginning of His ministry on earth. Jesus never performed a miracle without a purpose. Jesus performed this miracle to show His deity and to show His disciples and you and me that He is God and has power to create.

As Christians we need to sit back and look with awe at all that God has created. Just look at the beauty of the mountains and valleys. Look at the seashore and even the deserts and you will see the beauty of His handiwork. In our travels we have seen so much poverty, hunger and loneliness. Even in areas of extreme poverty, God’s handiwork can be seen. Whether we are rich or poor, we can enjoy the beauty of His creation. Take time today to thank God for His creations.


“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to
become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”
John 1:12


How grateful I am to see every day the miracles of Your creation all around me. I praise You for the things that we seem to take for granted each day. Thank You for the many miracles that we read about in Your Word that testifies that You are God and the creator and giver of all good things.

December 6, 2009

Unique Part Five: December 4, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Being the only one of its kind; unusual.


“For the Son of man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.” Matthew 16:27

“So you must also be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.” Matthew 24:44.


Today is the last devotional in a series of five where we are sharing some thoughts about THE UNIQUENESS OF JESUS. Today we will discuss from the scripture the fact that JESUS WILL BE UNIQUE IN HIS SECOND COMING.

Every time we hear a sermon, read a book or an article on the second coming of Jesus, we are filled with great anticipation that brings peace to our hearts and minds. How do you react in similar circumstances? If you are not anticipating Jesus coming back to earth to reign here in all His glory then we encourage you to stop for a moment now and evaluate your relationship with Jesus. Make sure today that you have a relationship with Jesus. This is not a religion or a cult that we are referring to, but a relationship with your Lord and Savior --- the one that died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins and rose again and then returned to heaven to prepare, for each believer, a place for us to spend eternity.

No one knows when Jesus will return again, but we do know Jesus said it would be sudden and without warning. This is why we urge you to make sure of your salvation so that you will be ready. (Matthew 24:44)

When Jesus first came to this earth, angels heralded His birth. When Jesus comes the second time to establish His Kingdom and to sit on the throne of David, His angels will accompany Him again. It will be a most glorious event for believers.

Christ’s second coming will see Him return not as the Lamb but as the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. He will come as a thief in the night and will raise the dead to join Him in the air. Christ’s second coming may be soon as recorded in Luke 21:28, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

The Bible does give us some clues concerning events that will take place prior to the return of Jesus. These events are what Luke is referring to when he says: “when these things begin to happen.” If you are interested in learning more about these events that will take place --- AND YOU SHOULD BE VERY INTERESTED --- then we encourage you to go to our web site and click on the product page. You will see there books, DVD’s, CD’s and cassettes dealing with the last days that we are living in today. Doc Beshore is one of America’s leading authority on Prophecy. You will not regret getting some of his material.

The gospel in a nutshell

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should
not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16


Prepare me to be ready for the return of my Savior at any moment. Thank You for the excitement that is in my heart as I think of spending an eternity with You. Keep me faithful in sharing my faith through my words and actions with those I meet each and every day. Give me the strength and boldness to talk to my family and friends, giving them the words that they need so that they are ready to meet Him when He returns again.

Unique Part Four: December 3, 2009


Part four

Defined by Webster:
Being the only one of its kind; unusual.


“Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was:
Then many of the Jews read this title --- the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, Do not write the KING OF THE JEWS --- Pilate answered, WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN, I HAVE WRITTEN.” John 19:19-22.


As you are aware we are in the first week of four where we are preparing for the “CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. This week we are sharing our thoughts concerning the UNIQUENESS OF JESUS.

Our devotional thoughts today will deal with the fact that “Jesus was unique in His death and Resurrection.” In a number of ways His death was unique. He suffered a criminal’s death even though He was innocent of any wrong doing. Crucifixion is the most painful of all deaths but it was not the physical pain that Jesus dreaded. It was the fact that He had to take our sins upon Himself and since sin separates us from God, He had to be separated from God on that cross and this was the greatest agony for Jesus.

This is what made Jesus cry out as He hung from that cross: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me.” Yet it was only by suffering this agony that Jesus could save us from eternal separation from God.

Jesus death was unique because of four miraculous events that accompanied His death:

• Darkness covered the whole world for three hours, from noon until 3:00 P.M.
• The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
• There was an earthquake.
• The tombs broke open and the bodies of many people who had died were raised to life.

Even the Roman soldiers that were guarding Jesus on the cross realized that He was unique in His death. After seeing what had happened they exclaimed: “Surely this man was the Son of God.”

He prophesied that He would be put to death and He died voluntarily, obeying His Father’s will, fulfilling all that He had prophesized about His death on the cross. He died voluntarily in obedience to His Father’s will.

And Jesus was unique also in His resurrection. His resurrection was prophesied by Old Testament prophets and by Jesus Himself. The Pharisees and the Jewish leaders who had wanted Jesus killed were so fearful about Jesus prophecy that they asked Pilate to completely seal the tomb and put it under guard. None of these precautions could hold Jesus in the grave. He arose from death unto life fulfilling all that had been prophesied. To remove any doubt that He had risen from the dead He remained on this earth for forty days and appeared over and over again to His disciples and others. The resurrection of Jesus is what makes the Christian faith unique from all others. Yes --- our Savior is alive.

For years we were involved in the annual Easter Sunrise service held in the famous Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. Close to 20,000 people came very early (5 A.M.) each Easter Sunday morning to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We all were moved each year by the beautiful choir music, the singing the old traditional Easter songs such as “He Arose” and “Crown Him with many Crowns.” And each year the unique story of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead was presented. These sunrise services will never be forgotten because they served as a reminder to all of us in attendance that Jesus was truly unique in His death and resurrection and today He is in heaven preparing a place for us as believers to spend an eternity with Him.

Start today, if you have not already, to prepare your heart for an exciting day on December 25 as we together will “CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF JESUS.”

The Gospel in a nutshell

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should
not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16


How grateful I am that God sent His Son to die on the cross to pay my penalty for my sin. And also for the good news of the resurrection of Jesus that gives me the assurance of spending an eternity in heaven. Thank You dear Lord for Your uniqueness and for the salvation that You have given me.

Unique Part Three: December 2, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Being the only one of its kind; unusual.


“And they were astonished at His teachings, for He taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” Mark 1:22.


For four weeks we are preparing, through these devotionals, for the Celebration of “THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. In this series on the “Uniqueness of Jesus,” we will share today a few thoughts about THE UNIQUENESS OF HIS MINISTRY.

We have been honored to travel to many areas of our world and both of us would agree that our visits to the Holy Land stands out in our minds more then any other place we have traveled to in the world. This is the place where Jesus lived, walked, talked, performed miracles and died to pay the penalty for our sins. It is also from this land that He went back to heaven to prepare for us a home for eternity.

Just the privilege of walking where Jesus walked and visiting places that we read about in the Bible moved us emotionally, as it would you.

The ministry of Jesus on this earth encompassed only about three years. It is amazing to study and understand all that He did in this short period of time. Everywhere that Jesus went large crowds came to see Him. Why? It was because, Jesus and His ministry was so unique. Remember, there were no newspapers, no radio, no television, no telephones or the internet to spread the news concerning Him. Communication was all by word of mouth. Crowds of people of all ages showed up to listen to Him as He went from place to place, because they recognized He was no ordinary man and there was no one like Him.

In Matthew 15:22 it tells us that a crowd had been with Jesus for three days with nothing to eat. This was real evidence that Jesus was unique. Today people get restless when a preacher speaks more than 30 minutes. His ministry was unique because He was the greatest teacher that ever lived.

Just consider some of the powerful lessons He taught: His Sermon on the Mount; the Lord’s Prayer; His Olivet discourse and so many wonderful parables all unmatched by any one before or after.

Jesus was unique in the miracles He performed such as, the feeding of the 5000 on one occasion and 4000 on another occasion; He walked on water; He cast out demons; He raised the dead and He turned water into wine. He was the greatest healer: He made the deaf to hear; He cured an adult who was blind from birth; He cleansed the lepers and enabled the crippled to walk.

Jesus was unique because He was God; He was absolutely sinless and holy; He was a friend of sinners; He was the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets.


Remember our verse to memorize this week is the “gospel in a nutshell”:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should
not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16


Thank You dear God for sending Your Son to this earth to give us all of the marvelous teachings that were recorded and left for me and my family. Give me the strength and desire to study the Bible so I can understand fully Your uniqueness.
May I be empowered to serve You and bring glory to Your name.

Unique Part Two: December 1, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Being the only one of its kind; unusual


“Then the angel said to her, ‘do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.’ And behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and shall call His name Jesus.” Luke 1:30-31.


As we mentioned yesterday we are sharing in these devotionals a four week series preparing us for the celebration of “THE BIRTH OF JESUS” on Christmas day. Today we have part two on the UNIQUENESS OF JESUS. Yesterday we shared some thoughts on the uniqueness of Jesus as a person. Today we share our thoughts with you on the UNIQUENESS OF JESUS IN HIS BIRTH.

Every Christmas Eve our family gets together and one of our highlights is our FAMILY PRESENTATION OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS. Since we have a large family with six children and their spouses and 20 grandchildren we have a large cast available to make this presentation. Every year the younger children all want to be Joseph or Mary so we keep track and pass this honor around. Dottie has made costumes and each child chooses their role as a shepherd, a wiseman or an angel. But the real message comes in the narration of the whole Christmas story written by Dottie and read by one of our older grand children. This event is a highlight and emphasizes to each person in our family the importance of knowing and understanding THE UNIQUENESS OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS.

The uniqueness of the birth of Jesus includes several very important vital facts to reassure us of our belief that Jesus is God. He was born of a virgin; His birth was prophesied by the prophet Isaiah some 700 years before His birth; He was born in Bethlehem as prophesied by Micah 700 years earlier; His birth was announced by angels; He was born in a stable, in a manger as a man that was poor, cared for in a feeding trough and yet was worshipped by kings as the King of Kings.

His birth was signaled by a once in history “star” which guided the wise men to the place of His birth. Hosts of angels gave forth praises at His birth and shepherds flocked to catch a glimpse of His face.

YES --- The uniqueness of Jesus is shown in His birth. Together let us start to prepare our hearts for the coming celebration on Christmas day of the birth of Jesus. Christmas is not about Santa Claus, gifts, Christmas ornaments on a tree or the turkey dinner. Christmas is about the Birth of Jesus!


“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Start preparing my heart today for a day of celebration in our home this Christmas. I praise You for who You are. I praise You for all the blessings that You have bestowed upon me and my family. Make this day special in Your sight because of my commitment to honor You in all that I do.

Unique Part One: November 30, 2009


Part one

Defined by Webster:
The only one of its kind; unusual.


“God who at various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all these things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.” Hebrews 1:1-4.


For the next four weeks our devotionals will be geared to help us prepare for the celebration of “THE BIRTH OF JESUS.” on Christmas day. As we have referred to in the past, our good friend, Dr. Porter Barrington has given us some 52 Master outlines and study notes on various scriptural portions. We will refer to some of his notes these next four weeks. We begin this week a series of five devotionals on the UNIQUENESS OF JESUS. Today we will share a few thoughts on the “uniqueness in His person.”

While Jesus was here on earth it was not only those who followed Him who recognized the uniqueness of Jesus, but also His enemies. When at the close of the third year of ministry that Jesus had on this earth, the Roman soldiers were sent by the Pharisees to arrest Jesus. They came back empty handed. When asked by the Pharisees why they had not arrested Jesus, their testimony showed that they had been emotionally, morally and spiritually stunned. They reported, “No man ever spoke like this man!” (John 7:46)


Some two thousand years later we witness the same today. The uniqueness of Jesus as a person has not changed. In our lifetime we have witnessed so many events where the uniqueness of Jesus as a person captivated an audience. We remember the Capital Teen Convention held in Washington D.C. which we coordinated, how God touched these 12,000 teenagers and they went back to their respective homes all across America and shared the uniqueness of the person Jesus with their peers. The result was that many found Jesus as their Savior.

We also remember our involvement with the Billy Graham association and the message that Dr. Graham always gave sharing the uniqueness of the person of Jesus with all who attended. We personally saw this on the more than 250 nights we showed a Billy Graham film in churches. We also saw it when we attended more than 60 crusade meetings.

In the verses found in Hebrews 1: 1-13 we see several ways that remind us that Jesus was one of a kind, a unique person. First of all, He is the only Son of God, and the exact image of God. (Verse 3).

Second, all of God’s angels worship Him. (Verse 6). Third, Jesus is eternal and His throne will last forever (Verse 8). Fourth, Jesus was co-creator with God of the universe and is the heir to God’s entire universe.

Fifth, Jesus was sent by God to pay the penalty for our sins and He now is sitting at the right hand of God preparing a place for us to spend eternity (Verse 13).

Sixth, Jesus conquered death. “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” Romans 4:25



Please join us and families all across our world as we memorize one verse from God’s Word each week. This weeks verse is known to many as the “gospel in a nutshell.”


We stand in awe at the uniqueness of You our Savior. May my life today be governed by the words that You have left for us from Your Word. Help us to be faithful to You. May our lives radiate the joy of the Lord to all that we meet. May my family grow daily as we together read Your Word, pray together and memorize Your Word.

November 29, 2009

Submission: November 27, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The act or effect of submitting; yielding; obedient.


“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men.” I Peter 2:13.

“Wives, submit to your husbands as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh to them.” Colossians 3:18-19

“You younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another.” I Peter 5:5.

“One who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence.” I Timothy 3:4.


We all have a mind of our own and a desire to do things our way and in our own timing. Our natural tendency is not to want to be submissive. This is nothing new. It goes back to the Garden of Eden. First Eve, then Adam, rebelled against submitting to God’s command not to eat the forbidden fruit. That was when trouble began.

As new parents we were amazed at how soon our sweet little bundle of joy developed a mind of his own and had no desire to submit to our will. You just went to sleep and your child is wide awake demanding attention and just wants to play. You know whose will wins out. That is only the beginning. They only get more demanding as they grow up so it is soon quite evident they have a lot to learn about submission.

Submission to others is necessary to prevent discord and chaos. The Bible teaches that we are to be submissive, first of all to God, and obey His commandments. The tragic actions of Adam and Eve are evidence of the importance of being submissive to God. Jesus set the example for us by submitting to the will of the Father and was “obedient to death, even death on the cross.” (Philippians 2:9). How can we do any less then to submit ourselves to God, the Father our Lord and creator.

The Bible teaches that we are to be submissive in our marriage. Colossians 3:18 instructs us that wives should submit to their husbands as to the Lord. In this day of “women’s lib” this is not a popular concept. Nevertheless it is what God says. It is not popular because it has been misinterpreted and misused as giving the husband unlimited authority. They forget that the Lord commands husbands how to love and treat their wives.

The Bible’s teaching on marriage relationships requires the man to be the spiritual leader of the family and the wife is to acknowledge his leadership role. A loving and caring husband will not take advantage of his leadership role and be a demanding tyrant. Likewise, a wife who loves and cares for her husband will not undermine her husband’s leadership. There must be a mutual submission between husband and wife, with each striving to be a true help-mate. Submission is what brings harmony and unity in a marriage. There has to be a lot of give and take in a marriage.

The Bible also tells us that we must be submissive to those in authority over us. Peter tells us to submit to those who have a legitimate authority over us for the Lord’s sake. It honors the Lord when we are law abiding and obedient to those in authority over us. The only exception is that if obedience to an authority would cause us to be disobedient to God.

As parents, we must teach our children to be submissive not only to us as parents, but to their teachers and others who have authority over them.

This week’s memory verse is found in Psalm 119:11. Remember:
our goal is to memorize one verse a week and this is FRIDAY!

“Your Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You.”


Help me to control my desire to have things my way and give me a willingness to be submissive. Help me to be submissive, first of all, to You and secondly to my spouse. Guide us as we teach our children to be submissive. May others see Christ in us as they see our submission to our Lord.

Thankgiving: November 26, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The act or occasion of giving thanks to God.


“Let us come before His presence with Thanksgiving.” Psalm 95:2.

“Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.” Psalm 100:4


Today is a day across America that has been set aside by a proclamation by our President for us to show our thanks to God. Each of us needs to take time today to thank God for all His blessings to us. Take time today to thank God privately and with your family this Thanksgiving. Here are just a few suggestions for you to consider to give thanks for today.

• Thank God for His blessings on your life.
• Thank God for sending His Son to this earth to pay the penalty for your sins.
• Thank God for sending His Holy Spirit to be your comforter.
• Thank God for giving us His Word, the Bible.
• Thank God for your family.
• Thank God for your spouse.
• Thank God for your children.
• Thank God for your parents.
• Thank God for your grandchildren.
• Thank God for your friends and neighbors.
• Thank God for your church and pastor.
• Thank God for your job.
• Thank God for your house and the home it provides for you.
• Thank God for the talents He has blest you with.
• Thank God for the time He has blest you with to serve Him.
• Thank God for your finances.
• Thank God for your health.
• Thank God for your freedom.
• Thank God for your heritage.
• Thank God for the transportation He has given you.
• Thank God for food and water.
• Thank God for our leaders.
• Thank God for the world you live in.
• Make sure you take time today at your dinner table with your family and friends to thank God for all He has given you. This will make this day a special one for you.


“Your Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You.”
Psalm 119:11


Take time today to pray to your God and your Lord for all His blessings to you.

Tongue: November 25, 2009



Defined by Webster:
A moveable organ in the mouth; the principle organ of taste; speech or talk; a language or dialect.


“No man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father and with it we curse men.” James 3:8-9.

“A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.” Proverbs 15:4.

“Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.” Psalm 34:13.


The tongue is a very small part of our body, but a most important one, as without it we could neither be able to taste or be able to speak. While the tongue is small it is mighty. James tells us that no man can tame the tongue and that it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

The tongue has the power to do great damage. Once words come out of the mouth they cannot be taken back. In James 3:6 we are told that the damage the tongue can do is compared to a raging fire. Like a fire you cannot control the damage words can do nor can you reverse the damage. In a matter of minutes a few words spoken in anger can destroy the strongest of relationships.

In order to control our tongue we must think before we speak and consider whether our words have merit and are pleasing to God or whether the words we use are hurtful and destructive.

Our society has changed so much even over the last few years that the words we hear today in the work place, on the street, in the movies, on the television and even among the mouths of teenagers and children are appalling. Words that we hear today were never used in public even ten years ago.

We ask the question: “Why do we see this happening?” Think about the changes we have seen here in our society in such things as the forbidding of prayers being said in our schools, not allowing the posting of the Ten Commandments in our schools and in our public buildings and the proliferation of pornography under the guise of free speech. We have taken God out of our society. The media also has shown no restraints in the language used in movies and television.

James tells us what comes out of our mouth shows what motivates us and our words reveal what and who we are. Without God’s help it is impossible to control the tongue. If we claim to be Christians and have faith in Jesus we must submit our tongue to His control.

When we were children we remember our parents telling us they would wash our mouth out with soap if we said a “bad” word. Those “bad” words we used years ago are considered normal everyday words today.

Standards may have changed but God’s standards have not changed. What the Bible teaches about the tongue is still applicable today. James tells us that no man can contain the tongue and that it is an unruly evil and full of deadly poison. We cannot control our tongue with our own strength. We must seek God’s help and through His Holy Spirit working in us, we will be able to keep our tongue from evil and our lips from speaking deceit.


Our verse to memorize as a family this week is found in Psalm 119:11. Take the time today to memorize this verse. Our goal is that one year from today we all will have memorized 52 verses from the Bible.

“Your Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You.”


Help me today to control my tongue. May my words today honor You in all that I do.

Works: November 24, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Effort put forth; labor; toil. Be employed; perform labor.


“What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:14

“For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9.

“As the body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” James 2:26.


Many people we talk to really believe that their “GOOD WORKS” will get them into heaven to spend an eternity with God. Most of these people are good people and live a clean life. They are the kind of “neighbors” you would love to have living next door to you. We remember several conversations we had with a friend who was very generous with his time and talent with our ministry. When we talked to him about his relationship with Jesus he always talked about his good works and told us not to be concerned about him because he would see us in heaven.

Some people find the two verses that we have listed above from Ephesians and James confusing. They ask: Is salvation simply by grace through faith alone or do we have to work for it? Paul wants us to understand that there is nothing we can do to merit or earn our salvation. Keeping all the laws in the Bible will not earn us salvation, it is only by the grace of God through faith that we can be saved. Paul in Ephesians talks about salvation through faith and James in James says faith without deeds (WORKS) is dead. They do not contradict each other, actually they supplement one another. James would never argue against Paul’s assertion that salvation is by faith but James presupposes that we understand these doctrines that are so clearly stated in Paul’s letters. James goes a step further by saying that a commitment to Christ is expressed through our actions.


Martin Luther puts it this way: A man is justified (declared righteous before God) by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone. Genuine faith will produce good deeds, but only faith in Christ saves.

God is expecting us as believers to work hard until His return. Some have asked us the big question: When are you going to retire? Our answer is very clear and simple --- NEVER. God has put each one of us on this earth for a purpose. When we consider the great price God and His Son Jesus paid for our salvation, we cannot sit back and retire. We are committed for a life time to work for Him. We firmly believe that God will take us to be with Him when we have completed “the works” that God has for us on this earth. Our prayer today is that you will join us by doing the “works” that God has for you.


“Your Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You.”
Psalm 119:11
We encourage you to memorize this verse by this Friday.


Help us as a family to share our faith with those we touch daily so they can know You as their Savior. Help us to also “WORK” daily to do Your will, so that our actions will show others the evidence of our faith in You.

Memorization: November 23, 2009



Defined by Webster:
The mental capacity of retaining and reviving impressions; remembrance; recollection.


“Your Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105.


When our children were living at home we made it a practice for all of us to have dinner together every night as a family. We had very few exceptions over the more then 30 years. We felt as parents that this was an important need for several reasons. First it gave us time together every day with the family. By the way --- there was no TV on or text messages coming in. It was a family time without outside distractions.

Secondly, it kept the communication line open giving each of us the chance to talk about how our day went. Thirdly, each child had an opportunity to share their concerns and blessings with us. Fourthly, it gave us as parents a chance to listen so we could be sensitive to each child’s needs and concerns and respond to them before they became major problems.

Probably the most important reason for this practice was that it gave us time every night to read the Bible together and to pray together as a family. We could share prayer needs and hear about people that needed our prayers. Each one of us had our own circle of friends with some overlapping, but hearing prayer requests from each family member broadened our world of concern. We also each week had one verse from the Bible that together as a family we would memorize. These verses have stayed with us all down through the years. Memorizing God’s Word has been so important to the spiritual growth of our children and to us as well.

In the two verses we have listed above we can see the importance of memorizing God’s Word. The Psalmist reminds us to hide God’s Word in our heart so that we may not sin. Thus it helps us grow spiritually each day that we live. When we hide God’s Word in our heart, the scriptures memorized will be a constant reminder for us to walk as Jesus wants us to walk and His Word will guide us in that walk.

We have been in parts of the world where families did not have their own Bible so they shared one Bible with another family. There also are people in certain areas of our world that have asked for just one Bible for a whole village. When they received their Bible, they tore out a page for each family. They would keep that page for a set time and then trade with another person or family. While they had their one page they would memorize these pages so that they would always have hidden in their hearts the Word of God.

Having had this experience with our family and seeing illustrations of what we have shared above we have decided to add one verse from the Bible each week to these devotionals for us all to memorize together. These verses each week will be simple, short but meaningful. We hope you will join us in this new addition to our daily devotionals.




Give our family a desire to memorize Your word. Help us to realize how blessed we are to have Your written Word so we can hide it in our hearts. Thank You for the assurance You give that by doing this it will help us not sin against You. As we, as a family, memorize Your Word allow it to make a difference in the way we live and the way we serve You.

November 22, 2009

Confession: November 20, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Acknowledgment or disclosure of sin; admission; something that is confessed, a formal profession of religious belief.


“For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Romans 10:10.

“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold of eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” I Timothy 6:12.


When we worked with Billy Graham we witnessed at every church meeting and at every crusade an invitation at the conclusion of his message for one to accept Jesus as their Savior. When one was making that decision they were invited to come to the front of the stadium or building to confess their sins and make their decision to receive Jesus into their heart in front of witnesses. This is what Timothy is saying in the above verse. God wants us to tell the world about our faith in Him and we begin by making a formal decision in front of witnesses.

The scripture is also very clear that in order for us to have a relationship with Jesus there are two requirements. We must believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord and Savior and then confess to Him that we are a sinner and ask for forgiveness. God’s response is immediate --- we are saved! (Romans 10:10).

The Bible is also clear that we are expected to confess before men our decision to follow Christ. This is why we encourage you to get involved in a Christ honoring, Bible believing church that gives people the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior and to confess this before those in the church. Unfortunately, not many churches today will give this opportunity, but many do and we encourage you to be part of such a church and then you will grow in Him.

For us as parents we are so very thankful that we had the blessed experience of hearing each of our children make their confession of faith and ask the Lord to forgive them of their sins and to come into their heart. Although, we have not been with our grandchildren at the moment they made their decision to accept Christ we can’t begin to tell you how thrilled we have been to get their telephone call saying: “Grandma and Grandpa, I asked Jesus into my heart today.”

Nothing heals better then confession. Often situations would arise with our children when an argument developed between two or three of them. When we got involved in the process of helping to solve the argument, blaming one another was very common. After we sorted out the problem we encouraged the guilty one to confess and say “I am sorry.” Confession is good for the heart and allows both parties to get on with life and they will usually not carry a grudge. As Christians, when we need to confess a wrong doing it is important that we do not procrastinate. Get on with your confession and apology today.


Thank You for the day Your Holy Spirit convicted my heart and I accepted You as my Savior. Thank You for that day when I learned the importance of confession and the importance that it was to my salvation. Bless me this day and may others see Christ through me.

Companion: November 19, 2009



Defined by Webster:
Fellowship; association as a companion.


“I am a companion of all who fear You, and of those who keep Your precepts.” Psalm 119:63.

“And I urge you also, true companion, and help these women who labored with me in the gospel.” Philippians 4:3.


In today’s world with all the conveniences of modern transportation we have been privileged to meet many people across our world. Truly the world has shrunk and this has allowed us so many more opportunities to gain friends, acquaintances and even companions.

All of us have many acquaintances, a good number of friends but very few companions. Acquaintances are those we have met but possibly do not know very well. Friends are those we know well and have a favorable relationship with. Companions are those we have a close relationship with and spend the most time with. Teenagers say today that these are the ones that we “hang” with. Companions have the same interests and values that give them a common bond. A true companion will stand by you and can be counted on for support in times of need.

No matter how self sufficient someone feels, we all have a need for a companion. This is why God instituted marriage because He said that man needed a companion. Marriages that put Christ first in their relationships are marriages that have spouses that share a common bond and this provides a solid foundation for their family. When God is in the marriage the spouses will be true companions.

Children today look for companions. Parents have the responsibility to lead their children to choose the right companions. When our children went anywhere without one of us, we made sure that we knew where they were going and with whom they were going. We always encouraged them to go with a trustworthy friend, a companion that would always be there for them. This also gave us assurance as parents that our child would not be alone. The choices of companions can affect ones lifestyle and standards for a lifetime, so this is a vital challenge for parents with their children, especially in this world.

Jesus wants to be our companion every day in all of our activities. He does not want us to be alone and being with us as a companion gives us the confidence and boldness to live a life honoring the Lord.

In Philippians 4:3 Paul uses the term “true companion.” In another translation it reads “loyal yokefellow.” These words describe the close relationship Paul had with the believers in the church at Philippi, and for that reason Paul could call on them. Paul was concerned for the women who had labored with him when he was with them. Now he is hearing that they were having problems so he wanted to alert his true companions in the church to share his concern for these women and help them on Paul’s behalf.

Through out the scriptures we have many illustrations where Jesus and His disciples required believers as true companions to help those in need. This included the widows, the orphans, the homeless, the sick and the needy.

Being a companion is more than just being a daily friend to another person. It is the giving of yourself to meet their needs. As believers we need to be companions to others to show them through our words and actions that Jesus is our companion and will be their COMPANION who is always available to them if they know Him personally.


Thank You for being my COMPANION through out this day. Give me the confidence to walk the walk and talk the talk honoring You every moment of the day. I ask for Your direction as I lead my children today. May they put their total trust in You and rely on Your COMPANIONSHIP as they need You throughout this day.

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